Agenda – Bucharest University of Economics Studies


DateEvent Photo
11-12.07.202416th Conference of Rectors from the Black Sea Region and the BSUN 2024 Congress – “Summit of the Future for the Black Sea Region16th Conference of Rectors from the Black Sea Region and the BSUN 2024 Congress – “Summit of the Future for the Black Sea Region” organised by Istanbul University between 11 and 12 of July 2024 in Istanbul, Türkiye.
BSUN – The Black Sea Universities Network is the largest platform for inter-university cooperation in the extended Black Sea Region involving 120 Universities from the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) member states.
As member institution of BSUN, our University looks forward to a new period of enhanced cultural, social, educational and sports cooperation so as to foster greater friendship and respect among academic partners engaged in the joint cooperative venture that BSUN and BSEC represents.

28.06.2024Caucasus University from Tbilisi, GeorgiaWe had the pleasure to welcome today Prof. Kakha Shengelia, Rector of Caucasus University from Tbilisi, Georgia and to sign together a Memorandum of Understanding on mutual academic cooperation.
27.06.2024The Regional Conference of Rectors (#C2R) from Central and Eastern Europe, organized under the aegis of The Francophone University Agency (#AUF) and hosted by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.The Regional Conference of Rectors brings together academic leaders, rectors and representatives of higher education institutions that are members of AUF in the region. The main theme of this year’s conference is “Francophone University in the context of global challenges: Perspectives for Central and Eastern Europe.
21.06.2024MBA Romano – Francez INDE graduation ceremonyMBA Romano – Francez INDE graduation ceremony that took place on June 21, 2024, at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

19.06.2024Welcome to our university colleagues and friends from University of Foggia in Italy.We had the opportunity offered by this visit to develop discussions on the double degree program with the University of Foggia and the organization of internships for Italian PhD students at our University.
13.06.2024Meeting with UQAM rector Stéphane Pallage and his managerial team.Following the fruitful reunion, it was agreed that the very good collaboration between the two universities to be continued and enhanced, encouraging parties to develop a double degree programme and to organise doctoral research in cotutelle.
Rector Istudor and Vice-rector Profiroiu signed the UQAM’s book of honour.

11.06.2024Visit and obtain a consistent exchange of experience and best practices at “Investissement Québec”, organisation established in 1998 under an act passed by the National Assembly of Quebec to favour investment in Quebec by Quebec-based and international companies.Overviewing particularities of foreign direct investments is crucial for business education as it equips future leaders with the insights necessary to navigate the complex tapestry of global markets and fosters economic acumen essential for making informed strategic decisions.

11.06.2024, HEC Montréal, the graduate business school of the Université de MontréalThe delegation of our University composed of Rector Prof. Nicolae Istudor and Vice-Rector Constantin Marius Profiroiu were received today by Mrs. Director Agnes Darmaillacq and Mrs. program manager Audrey Bouchez from HEC Montréal.

Founded in 1907, HEC Montréal it holds the three most prestigious international accreditations in its field, confirming the excellence of the training and support it offers: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

During the working meeting, the two delegations agreed to develop a partnership between our University’s Sustainable Development Centre and the HEC Sustainable Transition Centre, including the co-optation of a professor from HEC in the ASE Centre’s Scientific Council. It was also agreed to sign an Erasmus agreement and to invite professors from HEC to Bucharest..

09-15 June 2024 – Working visit to CanadaThe working visit to Canada is part of our university’s efforts to increase its international prestige and develop strong partnerships with North American universities.Our University’s delegation composed of Rector Prof. Nicolae Istudor and Vice-rector for International Relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu is on a working visit to Montreal in Canada. In the framework of this visit, the delegation of our University will participate in the 30th edition of the Montreal Conference of the International Economic Forum of the Americas, an event that will gather more than 2100 participants and 130 speakers from over 40 countries. At the same time, the delegation will have bilateral meetings with the management team of HEC Montréal – one of the world’s elite business universities as well as with the new Rector of UQAM – L’Université du Québec à Montréal, ASE’s institutional partner in the development of the double degree MBA program.
29.05.2024, The Africa Day 2024Event organised under the under the auspices of the National Strategy for Africa entitled “Romania – Africa: A Partnership for future through peace, development and education”.In the context of growing interest in cultural cooperation with Africa, our University aims to strengthen its presence in African countries and develop amd enhance cooperation with academic organisations in this region.

23-25.05.2024Attending the 32nd NISPAcee Annual Conference “Public Administration in Post-Conflict Reconstruction” in Tbilisi, Georgia, organised by the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) and Caucasus University. 


15.05.2024European Accounting Association’s 46th Annual Congress, organized by the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems of our UniversityThe opening speech at the opening ceremony of the European Accounting Association’s 46th Annual Congress, organized by the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems of our University. Welcoming the presence in Bucharest of over 1200 participants from all over the world.



9th edition of the International Week in ASE.

We enjoyed the opening speech of Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations, who made a brief but comprehensive review of the present and future challenges to the internationalization of higher education, while highlighting the impact on the development of our University.

The introductory session was attended by two distinguished guests: Dr. Elena Dănescu, Research Scientist at Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg (with an extremely interesting presentation and discussion regarding the challenges, opportunities, strategies for the European Union) and Mr. Agostino Sousa Pinto, Vice-president of Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP), which belongs to Portugal’s largest and most prestigious public Polytechnic Institute, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (discussing the challenges of internationalisation for his institution).

24.04.2024On the 24th of April, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations opened the event organised by our University in the framework of the European Union Week 2024 Events 🇪🇺.The European Union Week is jointly organized with TUM Speakers Series, HEC Paris, HEC Débats, Koźmiński University and POLIMI School of Management and for this year has as new partners Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Estonian Business School, Vlerick Business School and Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Its goal is to celebrate the European Union and to inform students and the wider public about it.
The conference organised by our University had as guest speaker Mr. Radu Hanga, President of the Romanian Stock Exchange.




19.04.2024Our University’s delegation led by Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations was welcomed by Mr. Matthew Auer – Dean of School of Public and International Affairs and Mr. Bradley Wright – Head of Public Administration and Policy Department at University of Georgia.The meeting was a friendly and constructive one, which laid the foundations for a collaboration in the field of research in public administration, with the willingness of American counterparts to receive young teachers from the department of public administration and management of ASE for training internships being highlighted. The American colleagues expressed their interest to visit our University in October this year and to contribute to the creation and consolidation of the doctoral school in the field of administrative sciences at ASE.
Our delegation was also received by Prof. Martin Kagel, Associate Provost of University of Georgia and the meeting resulted into the commitment of signing a Memorandum of Understanding for academic and research cooperation between the two Universities.




Meetings with international partners from different schools and businesses from the USA, Europe and Latin America and a working meeting with Ms. Natalia Ilina – AACSB program manager for Central and Eastern Europe

On the occasion of the ICAM 2024 Conference, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu vice-rector for international relations had meetings with international partners from different schools and businesses from the USA, Europe and Latin America. He also had a working meeting with Ms. Natalia Ilina – AACSB program manager for Central and Eastern Europe, focused on detailing the last issues to be clarified regarding the completion and submission of the ISER (Initial Self Evaluation Report).

The delegation of our university led by Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu is actively participating these days in several seminars and workshops dealing with Ai’s impact in Business Schools Education.

AACSB’s International Conference and Annual Meeting (ICAM) addresses this year’s niche topics for business education: the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business School education has significantly transformed the learning landscape. AI enhances learning outcomes, empowers faculty, and prepares students for the dynamic business landscape. However, ethical awareness and critical thinking remain essential components of AI education.


15.04.2024AACSB’s International Conference and Annual Meeting ICAM 2024.Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations is attending the opening session of the Conference, dedicated to overviewing the ways faculty are advancing new knowledge and creating impact in business and society through their research.


12.04.2024Fruitful meeting at Swansea University: Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations met Prof. Judith Lamie, Vice-rector for international relations, Prof. Helen Griffith, Vice-rector for Research and Prof. Fiona Jordan, International Relation Director at the School of Management.The discussions were extremely interesting and led to the announcement of a number of future collaborations between the two universities, such as: developing research collaboration underpinned by identification of topics of interest to the participating researchers, possibly leading to application for Horizon Europe funding; Organisation of a joint summer school on a business-related topic to be identified; Exploration of a dual degree programme – options to be discussed; Joint PhD supervision building on the models both institutions already have; Participation of Swansea University academics as guest speakers at ASE’s conferences; Provision of mutual support in view of securing AACSB accreditation that both universities are seeking..

10.04.2024EUA annual conference starting today at Swansea UniversityProf. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations of our University attended the meeting organized within the UNICA network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe and hosted by University of Cardiff. The focus of the UNICA Rectors’ Panel was to overview UK & Switzerland and the European Programmes. The Panel benefited from the keynote communication from Frances Wood, International Director of UK Research and Innovation.
05.04.2024ASE conferred the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Alain Juppe, former Prime-minister of France, in recognition for his exceptional merits in France and EuropeProf. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations of our University attended the meeting organized within the UNICA network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe and hosted by University of Cardiff. The focus of the UNICA Rectors’ Panel was to overview UK & Switzerland and the European Programmes. The Panel benefited from the keynote communication from Frances Wood, International Director of UK Research and Innovation.
22.03.2024Prof.Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations of our University participated in the event celebrating 20 years of operation in Romania of the Kaizen Institute ( this occasion, Prof. Profiroiu held discussions with Mr. Hiroshi Kudo, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Bucharest about the collaboration between the Japan.ASE and the Embassy of Japan as well as practical ways to promote Kaizen principles in our academic community and beyond.
21.03.2024Workshop within the project funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania and entitled ”Place-Based Economic Policy in the EU’s Periphery – Fundamental Research in Collaborative Development and Local Resilience. Projections for Romania and Moldova – PEPER”Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, vice-rector for international relations reinforced the need for research projects that produce tangible results by publishing articles in top journals in the economic field.
08.03.2024Our Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu is visiting University of Aix-Marseille in France.In addition to specific topics of mutual academic cooperation, discussions are held on the synergies between the objectives of the European university alliance CIVIS coordinated by Aix-Marseille University and those of ASE Bucharest.


06.03.2024We had the pleasure to welcome to our University an official delegation from Hyogo University (Japan), composed of Prof. Makoto Kosaka, President of the Japanese University, and Prof. Carmen Săpunaru-Tămaș, Advisor to the President on International Relations.The delegation was welcomed by Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector in charge of international relations, who discussed with the Japanese guests the main directions of cooperation between the two universities, in particular the joint projects to be implemented through the satellite office that Hyogo University will open at ASE Bucharest.

04.03.2024Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations welcomed to our University a group of 20 Japanese students accompanied by 3 professors from the University of Hyogo, ASE’s partner institution.Between 04th and 06th of March, our guests will be exchanging experiences with ASE Bucharest’s students as part of the Japanese university’s Global Leader Education Program (GLEP). The Japanese delegation will also meet members of the ASE Centre for Japanese Studies Japan.ASE, teachers and students of the Modern Applied Languages programme of the Faculty of International Business and Economics Facultatea de Relatii Economice Internationale and ASE students enrolled in the optional Japanese language course. The programme of the visit also includes joint academic and cultural activities, through which Japanese students will get to know both our university and everyday life in Bucharest.

29.02.2024The MIKTA seminar, which was organized by ASE Bucharest in collaboration with the Faculty of International Business and Economics and the diplomatic representatives of Indonesia, Mexico, South Korea, and he Republic of TürkiyeMIKTA is an informal consultation and coordination platform among Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Türkiye and Australia. MIKTA was initiated by the Foreign Ministers of the MIKTA member countries on 25 September 2013 on the margins of the 68th UN General Assembly. MIKTA members are democracies that benefit from open economies with robust growth rates and a significant level of economic power. They are strategically located and strongly linked to their surrounding regions. MIKTA members are also like-minded on many of the global challenges of our time and are active contributors in international fora. MIKTA aims to contribute constructive solutions to regional and global challenges as well as enhancing effectiveness of global governance. Therefore, MIKTA aims at strengthening its cooperation in order to raise its voice on global issues and gain influence within the international organisations. MIKTA countries also work to strengthen their economic and political ties.

16.02.2024Welcome Day for the Erasmus+ incoming students for the 2nd semester at ASE!Welcome Day for the Erasmus+ incoming students for the 2nd semester at ASE!
09.02.2024Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations welcomed today to our University a Canadian delegation from FEIA – Forum économique international des Amériques.During discussions with Mr. Nicholas Rémillard – Chef de la direction and Ms. Francisca Insulza – Vice-présidente, relation avec les partenaires et croissance stratégique, details for jointly organising a business forum event for foreign investors were overviewed, ASE being the local partner in Romania for this event.
We had the pleasure to welcome to our University Prof. Masazumi Maruyama and Ms. Setsuko Suenaga from the Faculty of Economics at Nagasaki University. The Japanese delegation is our guests for the next days.
During today’s meeting with Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations, various opportunities for future cooperation were discussed, from students and staff exchange programs in the framework of Erasmus+ to joint research and comparative studies.
We would like to extend our gratitude to Japan.ASE for the the ongoing support provided for the smooth running of this fact-finding visit by colleagues from Nagasaki University.
Today, Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations met Ms. Judith Lamie, Vice-Chancellor for International Engagement at Swansea University in the UK.
The University is ranked 233rd in the world in Times Higher Education global rankings and It is the third largest university in Wales in terms of number of students. It offers about 450 undergraduate courses, 280 postgraduate taught and 150 postgraduate research courses to 20,375 undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The meeting was an opportunity for our University to initiate a partnership with the British University while the possibility of joint support in the AASCSB accreditation process was also overviewed.
19.01.2024Today the international seminar “New Weberian State as a Model for Reform and Reform of Current Models” wrapped up at Seoul National University. The debate focused on the role of the state in the New Weberian model and the market within it.Ten case studies were presented for 10 countries including Romania. Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu presented the case of Romania where elements of New Public Management and of the traditional model of public administration are encountered, as he overviewed as well the challenges related to the changes needed in the current national context.
18-19.01.2024Between 18th and 19th of January 2024 our Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Mr Constantin Marius Profiroiu is taking part as guest speaker at the international seminar “New Weberian State as a Model for Reform and Reform of Current Models” organized by Seoul National University under the coordination of Prof. Tobin Im from University of Seoul and Prof. Geert Bouckaert from University of Leuven.The theme of his speech is entitled “Towards a New Public Governance: The challenges of designing coherent public administration reform”.
20.12.2023With the approach of the end of the year 2023 and the Winter Holidays, the International Relations team of Bucharest University of Economic Studies thanks you all for the excellent cooperation.Happy Winter Holidays and a Happy New Year!
16.12.2023This week, we have concluded and signed a Memorandum of Understanding for academic cooperation with KET’s School of Management – Kohinoor Business School, affiliated to University of Mumbai in India.Through the document signed in an online ceremony, exchanges of students and academic and non-academic staff, joint research on Economics, exchange of publications, mutual assistance in capacity building and joint quality assurance and benchmarking were agreed upon.
Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu participated in the closing conference of the project “Optimization, streamlining of the procedural framework and digitization of human resources management processes within the STS” funded by the European Union, a project in which ASE Bucharest acted as a partner of the project leader – the Romanian Special Telecommunications Service, together with two other universities.
During the conference, the contribution of our University to the successful implementation of the project activities, which led to the improvement of the quality of human resources and working procedures within the main national institution involved in providing secure communication and information technology services to the Romanian authorities, was highlighted.
It is yet another proof of the relevant impact that our University has at societal level, being in line with our academic vision and mission.
A festive and friendly atmosphere this evening on the occasion of the winter party organized by the Erasmus + office.
It was a good opportunity for incoming students to meet and discuss in a more informal setting with our Vice-rector for international relations, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu and the Erasmus + staff.

The sixth edition of the Internationalisation Think-tank, that was hold in Sinaia, at end. We had three intensive working days as we have overviewed the state of internationalisation of our University and benchmarked solutions for future enhancement of the process.
Participants concluded that the process will continue to develop along the guiding axes established by the internationalisation strategy: internationalisation “at home”, internationalisation of research, international mobility and consolidation of ASE’s international prestige with a view to obtaining international recognition through international accreditation and active participation in the European Universities Initiative.
This event took place in the framework of FDI 2023 support project for the internationalisation of our University.
07.12.2023On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, the Erasmus+ Office organized the “Round Table with Live Testimonials” event to which ASE students, former and current Erasmus+ beneficiaries, were invited and they gathered both physically and on Zoom, to tell us about their experience and to share advice to students interested in applying.Their stories were completed with personal experiences from studenthood by Prof. Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations.
We thank everyone for their participation and wish them the best of luck in their future experiences!

Our Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu mer Mr. Eitaro Kono, Professor of Leadership at GLOBIS University in Tokyo, Japan.
It was reiterated our interest in enhancing the cooperation within our valuable partnership established over five years ago.
From 29th of November to 1st of December, Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations, is attending the Higher Education Advisory Council – International Education meeting, as member of this prestigious professional body.
The event was initiated and organized by the University of Cambridge and the role of the Council is to discuss and reflect on major trends in the field of internationalisation of higher education at European level and to come up with innovative proposals in the field.
On November 26-28, Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations and AACSB accreditation process coordinator is participating in the AACSB Europe, Middle East, and Africa Annual Conference 2023 in Rome, Italy, where business schools in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) gather to navigate change, foster innovation, and shape the leaders of tomorrow. The Conference is organised together with Luiss Business School in Rome.
This three-day event is a suitable gateway to rediscovering the power of collaboration and to learning about industry trends and best practices through valuable topics such as: Advancing efforts on impact issues, Responsible research to save the world, How generative AI will disrupt business education; Drivers and challenges to redesigning curriculum.
Attending this conference is a good opportunity to exchange experiences with other universities in the AACSB accreditation process similar to our own. We are convinced that obtaining the AACSB accreditation for our university will contribute to increasing its international prestige as it is an important objective of the internationalization strategy of Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
Today with our International Knowledge Fair, we are analysing the good practices in improving universities’ position in international rankings together with Ms. Anna Orlova from Times Higher Education.
We are looking into our University’s performance with the World Universities Rankings and search for practical ways to maintain and improve the position of ASE in the international rankings.
Cooperation Development with IUT of Lens, Université d’Artois
With the occasion of the International Knowledge Fair 2023, we are happy to welcome Marie Pierre Parenton – Director IUT of Lens and Amandine Kubiak – IR Officer and to overview ways to develop and enhance the reciprocal mobility of students by establishing internship programmes.
As the Academic Workshop “EU ‘s promises further integration and expansion, financing the reconstruction of Ukraine and Allie’s shoring in Eastern Europe” wrapped up this afternoon, our Vice-rector for international relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu welcomed the guest speakers at the International Relations Office of the University, introducing our visitors to the activity of the office as well as to the challenges our University is facing related to the internationalisation process.
We recall that the Workshop was organised by ASE in collaboration with the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
International Knowledge Fair 2023 at start: today Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations gave the opening remarks on the context of this year’s edition of this event that is designed to facilitate the exchange of best practices and ideas in the field of internationalisation of Higher Education.
In the afternoon, the Meeting Room of the International Relations Office hosted the workshop on AACSB Accreditation Challenges facilitated by Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu and reuniting deans and vice-deans of our University’s Faculties as well as IROs experts on Accreditation. For more info regarding #IKF2023 this week please consult the full-agenda of the event here:…/2023/11/IKR-2023_Agenda.pdf
The International Conference “Synergies in Communication” 11th Edition (October 26-27) organized by the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication in our university, welcomed the opportunity to bring together scholars from all over the world.
Our academic partners and friends in the Double Degree program for Applied Modern Languages from University of Artois (prof. Marie-Helene Garcia and prof. Virginie Roche-Tiengo), France, as well as our keynote from Ireland (historian Sinead McCoole), together with the Deputy Chief of Mission from the Embassy of Ireland in Bucharest, met with Vice-rector for international relations, Professor Marius Profiroiu.
22.10.2023Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations participated as a chair at the 𝟏𝟗-th International Conference on Public Administration and Management.This year’s theme: Excellence in Public Administration through Human Resource Management, Innovation and Digital Transformation
We were happy to welcome to our University H.E. Mr. Gavin Buchan, Ambassador of Canada to Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova.
On the occasion of this meeting, the possibility of developing academic cooperation between Bucharest University of Economic Studies and other universities in Canada was discussed, including here the overview on the potential of establishing joint approach in the field of MBA training in energy business.
Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations took part in the conference “The Power of Innovation” as speaker and discussant in the panel debating the State Transformation and Current Challenges.
Together with Prof. Profiroiu, the panel debates were attended by Professor Jean Michel Emery Douzans, President of EGPA, Professor Geert Bouckaert , President of IIAS and Professor Calin Hintea , Dean of FSPAC at UBB Cluj. The panel was moderated by Professor Clara Volintiru from ASE.
Wrapping up his visit to Luxembourg, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations met at the European Investment Bank the deputy director of the EIB Institute.
The EIB Institute was set up within the EIB Group (European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund) to promote and support social, cultural, and academic initiatives with European stakeholders and the public at large. It is a key pillar of the EIB Group’s community and citizenship engagement.
Today the working visit of Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations continued in Luxembourg.
In the first part of the day, he had a working meeting with Professor Marie Helene Jobin, Vice-rector for international relations of the University of Luxembourg. On this occasion it was agreed to start scientific research collaboration in the fields of finance, economics and law at doctoral level and to sign an Erasmus + Inter-institutional agreement.
Next, Prof. Profiroiu visited the Europe Direct Centre of the University of Luxembourg, coordinated by Professor Elena Danescu. On this occasion it was agreed to disseminate the activities of this centre within our University and to collaborate in various events related to the promotion of the values of the European Union.

On the occasion of his visit to the Duchy of Luxembourg, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations, was received today by Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission and Prime Minister of Luxembourg and at the same time Doctor Honoris Causa of our University.
The discussions focused on the role of universities in the European integration process and the support that Mr Junker wishes to give to the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Romania.
At the invitation of Her Excellency Mrs. Kathleen Kavalec, Ambassador of the United States of America in Bucharest, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, attended on October 6 the reception offered on the occasion of the visit to Romania of the American Councils for international Education Board of Trustees.
On this occasion, discussions were held with Mr. David P. Patton, President and CEO of the American Councils for international Education and Mr. Carter Johnson, Regional Director of the same organisation, as well as with Mr. Peter H. Brown, Cultural Attaché at the US Embassy. 
Our Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu attended today in Deva the International Romanian-French Conference on Sustainable Regional Development, organized by our University together with the Faculty of Management – the Deva territorial centre.
Internationalization at home, a strategic focus of our University, entails ongoing conversation and co-creation with local communities, and the development of this conference dedicated to Hunedoara county underlines our University’s contribution in this regard.
We are present at the largest higher education event in Europe – the 33rd edition of #EAIE Annual Conference and Exhibition held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Our University is represented by a delegation led by the Rector of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Professor Nicolae Istudor, together with Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, Professor Liliana Feleagă, Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems and Mrs. Lelia Sanda Iordan from the International Relations Department.
Today, the start of the new academic year came with excellent news: The Department of International Relations is moving into a new house.
With the inauguration of the “Nicolae D. Xenopol” building located in Romana Square at number 8, the support activity for the internationalization process of our University gets a new, welcoming space that combines the prestige of the past with the modernity of the present.
We look forward to your visit and interactions!
24.09.2023At the invitation of the Director of Graduate School of Public Administration at Seoul National University, our Vice-rector for International Relations Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu delivered an insightful presentation to students and faculty members of the Seoul National University.Presentation: Current trends and challenges of public administration.
Today, Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu as member of the Steering Committee of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and Mr. Lee Dougro, President of the Korean Association for Public Administration (KAPA) signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations.
Our University is part of EGPA and will contribute as well to the development of cooperation with the counterparts in Korea.
Our Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu is currently attending the 2023 KAPA Fall Conference and Global Summit on Public Administration in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
The Conference is organised by the Korean Association for Public Administration (KAPA) between 21st and 23rd of September and it focuses on the process of transformation of public administration and on the need for enhanced international cooperation in this field.
KAPA is the largest public administration association in Korea, with over 1,800 individual members and 80 institutional members. The organization regularly holds administrative conferences and lectures, conducts policy research on administrative issues, and publishes journals.

05.09.2023Vice-Rector for International relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu attended today the EGPA Steering Committee Meeting that was held in Zagreb, Croatia 🇭🇷.The 2023 EGPA Conference – annual meeting of a community of Public Administration academics, young researchers, and practitioners in Europe.
Three days of intense, but friendly exchange of ideas at the 10th iteration of the “Japan: Pre-modern, Modern and Contemporary” international conference on Japanese Studies that the Center for Japanese Studies at ASE was honored to host and organize together with its partners from Akita University (Japan), Kanda University of International Studies (Japan), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan), University of Hyogo (Japan) and “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University (Romania).

We are proud and happy to have been able to continue our tradition for so long and to contribute to the development of Japanese Studies in Romania.

Congratulations to our colleagues from Japan.ASE for their successful Conference.

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the National Bank of Romania are organising the Annual Scientific Conference of Romanian Academic Economists from Abroad – ERMAS 2023.
At the opening Session today, on behalf of our university, Prof. Constantin 
Marius Profiroiu, vice-rector of International Relations, welcomed the participants and invited the fellow professors in Economics from the Diaspora, working in prestigious universities located all over the globe, to collaborate with their colleagues from ASE on bringing added value to the research side.
Mr. Tomasz Psonka, Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe at Elsevier was welcomed today at ASE by our Vice-rector for international relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu.
 Following the discussions regarding Elsevier’s support for our University, a training session for Faculty members was agreed to be conducted during month of September this year.
Elsevier has become the undisputed market leader in the publication and dissemination of literature covering the broad spectrum of scientific endeavors.
Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations welcomed to our University Dr. Lamiaa Kamel Mohamed, Head of International projects division at Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt.
Established in 1980, however, Helwan University goes back to the 19th century during the reign of Muhammad Ali of Egypt who established “The Operations School”. The fields of that school were the basis of many institutes that formed Helwan University later.
The bilateral discussions focused on overviewing opportunities for setting up double-degree programs as well as a joint MBA program.
The public defence of the doctoral thesis on the impact of technologies on human resources in Japanese organisations took place yesterday, being supported by PhD student Cristian Iulian Vlad under the scientific supervision of Prof. Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations.
Cristian is one of our first doctoral students from Japan and he is currently partner faculty at Globis University in Japan as well as partner at Boston Consulting Group. In the same time, Mr. Vlad is the president and CEO of JCE Japan Creative Enterprise, an agency which helps corporate teams transform their business and manage talent.
Welcoming today in our Campus Professor Nobumichi Watahiki from Nagaoka University of Technology in Japan, who is going to take part as member of the PhD Defence Committe of our Doctoral School. The candidate to defence his Thesis is one of our Ph.D. Students from Japan.
We are already counting seven Japanese Ph.D. candidates enrolled at our Doctoral School and we are glad to witness an even higher interest among future candidates from this region.
Today, our Vice-rector for international relations Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu met Mr. Roman Sobiescki, Vice-rector for international relations and Mrs. Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Director of international relations at SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Poland.

SGH is the oldest and most prestigious business school in Poland, as it ranks first position in the ranking of Polish economic universities and faculties according to Rzeczpospolita as well as in the ranking of Polish economic universities according to Perspektywy.

On this occasion the foundations for a long-term cooperation between the two universities and mutual support in various international projects were laid.
SGH will support our University in obtaining AACSB accreditation.
Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations and Prof. Bogdan Iftimie, Vice-dean in charge with international relations at the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, are attending the Times Higher Education Europe Universities Summit in Warsaw, Poland.
The event is co-organised in partnership with the University of Warsaw. Being entitled ”Beyond resilience: How European higher education is preparing for the future”, the Summit is focusing on how universities and other higher education institutions continue to play a pivotal role in the recovery, unification and progression of societies across Europe and beyond.
Today, our Vice-rector for international relations, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu had a fruitful call with Prof. Joseph P. Zolner.
Following the call, a potential collaboration between Prof. Zolner and our University in the field of Management was overviewed and next steps are to be decided.
Joseph P. Zolner is an Adjunct Lecturer on Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). From 1999 to 2018, he served as Senior Director of the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education (HIHE), a role that included service as Educational Chair of multiple HIHE offerings and responsibility for the quality, relevance, and variety of executive education programs offered by HGSE for the higher education community. Prior to his work at Harvard University, Zolner served as Director of the Graduate Management Institute at Union College and Director of the Graduate School of Business Administration at Northeastern University.
25-28.06.2023We welcomed today at the office for international relations partners from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Spain, and the University of Florence, Italy, who are visiting our University between 25th and 28th of June 2023.Part of an Erasmus Mundus project that aims to develop an international master’s programme together with the Faculty of Business and Tourism of ASE.
The second day of REform Alliance reunion is providing hands-on solutions to the improvement and enhancement of the Working Packages, including the WP coordinated by our University that focuses on Responsible Innovation.
In the margins of the reunion, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu had a bilateral meeting with Prof. Christina Hansen, Vice-rector for international relations of the University of Passau.
Our Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, together with Lecturer Catalin Ploae, adviser on international projects from our International Relations Office, are attending the REform Project Partner Meeting in Lyon, France, being hosted by the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) Lyon. The topics to be covered during the two intensive days of work are referring to exploring the impact of the activities of the project, the fine tuning of the working packages, mapping the strengths of the Consortium and enhancing the project management and communication.
The REform consortium was created by the effort of eleven universities from ten nations and four European regions in a European University Network (EUN) entitled “REform: Responsible Innovation & Ethics for Europe” as it was established in the second half of 2022. It consists of higher education institutions from Tallinn (Estonia), Kajaani (Finland), Lyon and Paris (France), Pristina (Kosovo), Kufstein and Vienna (Austria), Porto (Portugal), Bucharest (Romania) and Budapest (Hungary) as well as Passau in Germany. The University of Pristina (Kosovo), which joined the REform project at the end of January 2023.

Prof. Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu met this afternoon Prof. Giuseppe Bettoni from University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, who is currently in a ERASMUS Plus teaching mobility at our University.
Different cooperation opportunities with the University of Rome 2 were reviewed, including the development of an Erasmus Mundus project and the organization of mutual study visits for Romanian and Italian students.
Today, Prof.Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations had a meeting with Mr. Patrick Hopkins, Vice Dean of the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, USA.
Several topics relevant to the cooperation between the two universities were discussed, with the aim of creating a favourable framework for strengthening the partnership and increasing the number of bilateral mobilities.
In this context, Mr. Hopkins thanked our university for the exemplary way in which colleagues from the Faculty of Accounting and Management Informatics have managed with high professionalism the internships carried out by American students of Indiana University in Romanian companies.
Last but not least, the subject of the support that Kelley School of Business will give to ASE in the AACSB international accreditation process was also discussed.
Our Vice-Rector for International Relations attended the 31st NISPAcee Annual Conference in Belgrade.
Organized in cooperation with the National Academy for Public Administration in Serbia, the Conference is addressing ”the future of public administration enabled through emerging technologies”. Prof. Profiroiu’s scientific communication is focused on the next-level public administration, overviewing the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the development of public administration in the EU Member States.
The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) was established in 1994 having set a goal to respond to the changing and increasing role of Public Administration during the post-Soviet political as well as economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Throughout its almost 25 years of legal existence, NISPAcee has made remarkable contributions to the development of national and regional public administration and local governance practices in CEE.
Between 2014 and 2016, the network was chaired by Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu.
We had the pleasure to welcome to our University the representatives of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. Wroclaw University of Economics and Business is ranked among the top economic schools of higher education in Poland, and an important centre of science and research.
We discussed ways to develop and enhance the academic mobility among Ph.D. Students and faculty members.
18.05.2023Journée mondiale des Alumni FranceA l’invitation de sa Excellence l’ambassadrice de la République française à Bucarest, Madame Laurence Auer, le professeur Constantin Marius Profiroiu, vice-recteur pour les relations internationales, a participé à l’événement de la Journée mondiale des Alumni France.
Today, Prof.Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations welcomed to our University the representatives of Thi-Qar University in the Republic of Iraq.
On this occasion the possibilities of collaboration between the two universities were highlighted.
Our Vice-rector for international relations, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu attended the event celebrating Croatia’s National Day.
Our university has a very good cooperation with Croatian universities and we are glad that the intensification of academic and research cooperation is bearing fruit: in the last four years we have implemented several Erasmus projects in cooperation with our colleagues from the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb and we enjoy their constant support in the AACSB international accreditation process. In addition we note the increase of our University’s reciprocal mobility with Croatia.
Today, Prof. Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations, welcomed to our University the academic delegation that is conducting the AMBA Accreditation Visit.
The visit, organized by the Bucharest Business School as a private event, is a step in obtaining the AMBA accreditation, which denotes the highest standard of achievement in postgraduate business education.
The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is a global organisation founded in 1967 which focuses primarily on international business school accreditation and membership. Based in London, AMBA is one of the three main global accreditation bodies in business education and styles itself as the world’s impartial authority on postgraduate management education.
09.05.2023The International Week in ASE & ASEM delegation.The International Week in ASE gives us the opportunity to meet and have a very pleasant dialogue with our close friends and partners from the Republic of Moldova. We are happy to host a delegation from Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova and thus intensify cooperation in the field of education and scientific research.
09.05.2023Today, in the framework of the International Week in ASE Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations, met Prof. Constantin Blome, Rector at Lancaster University Leipzig.During the meeting, various opportunities for cooperation were discussed, resulting in the possibility of developing collaboration in the field of Cyber Security.
This afternoon, together with Vice-rector Prof. Dorel Paraschiv, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations, introduced our university and the current challenges in the internationalization of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies to a group of students from the University of Economics in Vienna (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien).
Prof. Profiroiu reiterated the invitation to Austrian students to join different internship programs in Romania and to create bridges of connection with the business environment between the two countries.
The 2023 Edition of the international Week @ the Bucharest University of Economic Studies just started! Today, our Vice-rector for International Relations Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu opened this milestone event of our University by delivering a talk on “The Path ahead for European construction.
University internationalisation is also about strengthening cooperation and links already created as well as discovering and creating new links.
We were delighted today to welcome to our University the many international academics participating in our 2023 edition of the #InternationalWeek.
Their partnership honours us and compels us to intensify our internationalisation process.
Today, our Rector Prof.Dr. Nicolae ISTUDOR together with our Vice-rector for international relations Prof.Dr. Constantin Marius PROFIROIU welcomed to our University Prof Dr Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, President of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA).
The network our University is part of, is the major learned society in the domain of administrative sciences on the European continent, and a regional group of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS).
EGPA aims at being the European Platform for Public Administration associating specialized researchers and practitioners.
03.05.2023We welcomed today in our University our newest interns: four students from L’école Nationale d’administration de Tunisie.They will take part in an internship exchange program at our Department for International relations and at the Bucharest Business School during May and June this year.
Today, our vice-rector for international relations, Prof. Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu welcomed to our University Prof. Diane F. Halpern, Dean emerita of Social Sciences of Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute, USA and Prof. Dana S. Dunn form Moravian University, USA, together with Prof. Daniela Dumitru, local coordinator of Think4jobs_EU project. The two American Professors attended as Invited Speakers the “Romanian Day of Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs” event organized by the Teacher Training Department of ASE in the framework of THINK4JOBS “Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs” Erasmus Plus project.
Our university is a partner of the consortium implementing this project that brings together a multidisciplinary team with several research centres involved with Critical Thinking education within the European Higher Education Area and the Labor Market, across five European countries, namely Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania. In particular, the project proposes the development of CT blended curricula in order to frame apprenticeships – designed to give the HE students the opportunity to train critical thinking skills – in a systematic way, transferring and consolidating them from an academic environment to a professional/employment context.
24.04.2023Our Vice-rector for international relations Prof. Dr. Marius Constantin Profiroiu met Prof. Dr. Piotr Buła, Vice-rector for cooperation of Krakow University of Economics.In terms of size the Krakow University of Economics is the largest economic university in Poland. Taking into account all the different programs available, it has approximately 15,000 students. Since its inception, over 100,000 students have graduated from the KUE. The university conducts joint programs with over 200 universities from all over the world.

24.04.2023Our Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu together with Prof. Dr. Catalin Boja, from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, is visiting the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland today.
The Jagiellonian University is the oldest higher education institution in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded on 12 May 1364 by the Polish king Casimir the Great.
The Jagiellonian University comprises 16 Faculties, where nearly 4 thousand academic staff conduct research and provide education to almost 40 thousand students, within the framework of more than 150 different fields of study.
Our delegation was welcomed by Prof. Dr. hab. Dorota Malec, Vice Rector for International Relations. Discussions centered around the digital transformation in the field of Higher Education, relevant cases from both the Polish academic environment and industry being brought into the attention. Participants investigated different scenarios of Digital Teaching and Learning with world-class solutions as those that were developed and implemented at the Jagiellonian University.

20-21.04.2023Our vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu is attending the European University Association’s 2023 Annual Conference, hosted by Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland, also meeting in person with Professor Josep M. Garrell Guiu, the recently elected President of EUA and the former Rector of the University Ramon Llull in Spain from 2012 to 2022. In their conversations, the two participants reminisced with delight about our university administration’s visit to the University Ramon Llull last year and discussed ways to strengthen academic cooperation in higher education across Europe.This referential conference for the European Higher Education area is tackling this year the heterogeneous concept of the impact of Universities on individuals and societies, by looking into how universities impact different communities and shape critical public policies at a time of great change and, in many cases, crisis. Moreover, with this year’s conference EUA also intends to foster wider awareness and debate surrounding universities’ different forms of impact and myriad roles within society.

09-11.12.20225th edition of the Internationalisation Think Tank (supported by Project CNFIS-FDI-2022-0370)Tackled subjects: the internationalisation report of ASE for 2022; information on the missions made abroad and learned lessons; AACSB accreditation workshop.
29.11.2022Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, vice-rector responsible for International Relations, participated at the celebration of Romania’s National Day – December 1, organized by the Romanian Embassy in Tokyo.This event gave the opportunity to meet with the ambassador of Romania in Japan, his excellency Mr. Ovidiu Dranga, some of the Japanese doctoral students from ASE and also with part of the Romanian diaspora in Tokyo.

28.11.2022Working meeting with Gil Granot Mayer, Executive Vice President and Lauren Bic Ha, Associate Vice President – Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), the possibilities of collaboration in the field of the development of start-ups for business in technology and innovation were highlighted. At the same time, the possibility of research internships financed by the Japanese government at OIST for Romanian interns from ASE, was discussed.OIST was founded by the Japanese government to contribute to science and technology worldwide, attract leading researchers from Japan and abroad to conduct high-quality research, advance the development of a world-class research hub, and nucleate a knowledge cluster that will catalyze technology transfer and industrial innovation in Okinawa. Over half of the faculty and students are recruited from outside Japan, and education and research are conducted entirely in English.

28.11.2022-04.12.2022Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, vice-rector for international relations, is conducting a visit at Globis University in Tokyo from November 28 to December 4, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. On this occasion, he participates in academic activities, as well as other actions related to the digitization process at universities in Japan and international accreditations in the field of business. As part of this mission, the vice-rector has working discussions with E.S. Mr. Ovidiu DRANGA, Romanian ambassador to Japan.Globis University is Japan’s largest graduate business school, with campuses in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sendai, Yokohama, and Mito in Japan and Singapore, Bangkok, and San Francisco internationally. The university consists of a single graduate school of management and offers both Japanese and English-language MBA programs. 


16.11.2022Working visit to the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (SNA) – the Italian National School of Administration – the delegation was formed by the Rector, Professor Nicolae Istudor, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Marius Profiroiu and the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages, Professor Stamule Tănase.The Italian National School of Administration was established in 1957 within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Italy, enjoying autonomous accounting and organisational powers. The School provides post-graduate education for civil servants (officials and executives) through the entire career cycle: from the selective entrance examination of new executives to ongoing education and training for career development and permanent training. Our delegation was welcomed by H.E. Ambassador Massimo Gaiani, the Coordinator for European and International Affairs of SNA. The concluding remarks of the reunion highlighted the agreement on signing in the near future of a Memorandum of Understanding that shall create an administrative framework for cooperation in the field of teaching and research in the area of public administration with the Faculty of Administration and Public Management of our University.
15.11.2022Working visit to the Luiss Business School – the delegation was formed by the Rector, Professor Nicolae Istudor, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Marius Profiroiu and the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages, Professor Stamule Tănase.Luiss Business School develops and promotes research in different academic fields with a focus on Strategy and Corporate Renewal, Corporate Governance and Performance Measurement, as well as Innovation and Organization Design. The research is grounded in knowledge of business processes and corporate environments and covers emergent key areas, such as Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability.

14.11.2022Working visit to the Sapienza University of Rome – the delegation was formed by the Rector, Professor Nicolae Istudor, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Marius Profiroiu and the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages, Professor Stamule Tănase.The delegates were welcomed by Professor Luciano Saso, UNICA President and Vice-Rector for European University Networks at the Sapienza University of Rome and Professor Bruno Botta, Vice-Rector for International Relations at Sapienza University of Rome.

11.11.2022Working visit to the Embassy of Romania in Italy – the delegation was formed by the Rector, Professor Nicolae Istudor, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Marius Profiroiu and the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages, Professor Stamule Tănase.The delegates were welcomed by Her Excellency, Mrs. Gabriela Dancău, Ambassador of Romania in Italy.
04.11.2022Welcoming Ms. Julie Karik, Responsible for university cooperation from the French Institute of Romania to an introductory visit to ASE.The discussion, joined by the Director for International Relations Mrs. Carmen Oglakci, focused on the potential for future endeavors and joint events between our institutions, which will benefit both our outgoing and incoming students/academic staff to and from France.


Working reunion at the University of Passau, in order to prepare the REFORM European Universities Alliance consortium, in which our university takes part.The other members of the consortium: University of Passau, INSA Lyon, Corvinus University Budapest, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, University of Applied Sciences FH Wien.
29.10.2022Participation in the graduation ceremony of the 2022 promotion of the Romania-Canada MBA program.Her Excellency, the Ambassador of Canada in Romania, Mrs. Annick Goleat and colleagues from the MBA program also joined the ceremony.
26-28.10.2022Participation in the Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration, organized by FSPAC in Cluj NapocaThis event is organized in connection to a research grant currently implemented by the department of Public Administration and management entitled “Development of frontier research and regional development through the lens of resilience: Towards a convergent, balanced and sustainable European Union”

26.10.2022Meeting in the Aula Magna of our University Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, PhD, Executive Vice-President & Chief Officer EMEA of AACSBAt the invitation of our Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Mr. Mescon delivered to our University’s staff involved in the process of international accreditation a very interesting and useful presentation on the AACSB Accreditation Journey.

13.10.2022Working meeting at PACE University, New York, with Professor John Meltiades, director of global affairs at the Lubin Business School.On this occasion, it was mutually agreed upon to start some collaborations along the lines of research and continuous training in the field of business.
PACE University was founded in 1906 and has over 30,000 students and a budget of approximately 600 million USD.

10-12.10.2022Participation in the Times Higher Education World Academic Summit in New York, USA, representing Bucharest University of Economic Studies.On the occasion of this strategically important event for international visibility, the world ranking of universities developed by Times Higher Education for the year 2023 will be launched.
28.09-01.10.2022Our Rector, Professor Nicolae Istudor and our Vice-rector for international relations Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu are visiting University of Artois on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the university.A fruitful meeting with the President of University of Artois Professor Pasquale Mammone and the Dean of Faculty of Economics Professor Philippe Duez took place. During the meeting, common curent academic projects as well as stating the mutual interest of both universities to strengthen the collaboration on research (doctoral students in cotutelle and visiting professors) and especially in the field of artificial intelligence applied to economics, were reviewed and diacussed.
It is worth mentioning in this context that University of Artois is one of the French universities recognized in the field of artificial intelligence and is the beneficiary of several large scale projects in this area of research.

06-09.09.2022EGPA 2022 Conference · Public Administration for the Sustainable Future of our Societies · LisbonThe conference addressed how the goal of sustainability is changing the transdisciplinary, cross-faculty framework for studying public policy issues with interacting cultural, ethical, political, social, legal, economic, technological, and natural science elements at all layers of governance (EU, national, regional and local levels) and across policy sectors, as well as engaging with civil society and interested stakeholders.

18-22.07.2022Welcoming Prof. Charles Menifield, PhD and Prof. Aaron Gibbs, PhD from Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S., for an Erasmus+ Staff TrainingThis mobility represents the ideal context to strengthen the bond between our academic institutions, as well as to share good practices and ideas. Looking forward to implementing a fruitful collaboration, by making the best out of all the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ Programme.
18-22.07.2022Our University’s International Accreditation process is marking a relevant and important milestone: our academic community has the pleasure to finally welcome in person Prof. doc. Ing. Jana PÉLIOVÁ, Vice-Rector for Management of Academic Projects of the University of Economics in Bratislava and our University’s Mentor within the framework of our AACSB Accreditation process.During three intensive days, numerous meetings with representatives of ASE will be held, focusing on academic facilities, discussing the Guiding Principles and Scope, addressing Strategic Management and Innovation as well as the Learner Success and meeting the academic and administrative staff, students, Alumni and the Rector of our University.
30.06.2022In the framework of the visit to Canada of our University’s delegation, a working meeting with the Rector of University of Québec at Montréal (UQAM) and the university management team.During the meeting, both Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations of ASE and Prof. Magda Fusaro, Rector of UQAM, made remarks regarding the cooperation at the level of the joint MBA program, highlighting that the number of students enrolled in the program has increased in the last 4 years and the overall feedback is a positive one. It was also agreed an Erasmus Inter-Institutional agreement to be signed between the two universities and to analyze as well the opportunity of a double degree program at the Master’s level. In the same time, other initiatives were discussed and agreed, regarding support delivered by UQAM on the part of continuing education programs, support for the process of digital transformation of our University based on the experience of UQAM, initiating jointly steps to open MBA programs in different regions of the world.

29.06.2022In the framework of the working visit to Canada, our University’s delegation, headed by Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, had a fruitful meeting with the representatives of Québec International Agency. Our delegation visited also the the National Assembly of Quebec, the regional Parliament office.As a regional economic development agency, Québec International fosters business growth and development, supports key clusters and attracts talent and investment to the region.

Following the discussions which were held, an agreement was reached between ASE and QI in order to facilitate high quality internships for our EMBA students within relevant companies in Québec, Canada.

28.06.2022Meeting with the management team of L’École Nationale d’Administration Publique du Quebec in Canada. During the working reunion, future steps for cooperation were established and the plan to implement the main objectives of the agreement was set up.ENAP is one of the largest public administration universities in the world. Since its creation in 1969, it has positioned itself as a leader in the renewal of a modern and effective public administration in Quebec and abroad.

16.06.2022Meeting with representatives of Le CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) Paris – our strategic partner in France.During the bilateral discussions, an insightful evaluation of the cooperation between the two Universities was conducted, new opportunities for cooperation arising, including the valorization of the CNAM expertise in the field of professional training.
14.06.2022A delegation of academic staff from Azerbaijan Technical University – was welcomed today.Meeting with Mr. Fariz Mammadov, Rector Advisor for International Relations and Mr. Orkhan Vatankhah, Director for International Relations from Azerbaijan Technical University

Their professional visit is taking place in the framework of #ErasmusPlus Programme.

09-11.06.202216th edition of the prestigious Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) Conference, held in Denmark, being hosted by Roskilde UniversityThe Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) is the Ryders Cup of public administration where American and European public administration scholars meet to discuss and challenge each other and exchange theoretical perspectives, methodological strategies and empirical findings.

The main theme of TAD 16 is “Strategic Management of Public Sector Transformation in Turbulent Times: Enhancing Collaborative Governance and Co-creation of Public Value”. Under this theme, TAD16 will organize a broad range of workshops led by pairs of American and European scholars.

The participation to TAD 16 was supported by the FDI project for internationalisation and aims to enchance our University activity within relevant international academic networks.

05.06.2022A new delegation of academic staff from ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice Moldova – our strategic partner from the Republic of Moldova – was welcomed today.The professors from different faculties of ASEM will follow a one-month specialisation program in our University.
02-04.06.202230th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2022, organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Business and Public Administration of the University of BucharestMeeting with ASPA President – professor Allan Rosenbaum, EGPA president – professor Jean Michel Eymeri Douzans, NISPAcee president – professor Calin Hintea and our Faculty of Management and Public Administration colleagues.
02-04.06.202230th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2022, organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Business and Public Administration of the University of BucharestMain Conference Theme: Crises, Vulnerability and Resilience in Public Administration
18.05.2022Meeting with Dr. Josep M. Garrel Guiu, Rector and Dr. Carlo Maria Calabresse, Vice-Rector for International Relations of Ramon Llull University in BarcelonaA Memorandum of Understanding and an Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement shall be signed in the next period and mutual support for joining international academic and research networks is envisaged following the fruitful discussions.
16-17.05.2022THE Europe Universities SummitTimes Higher Education Europe Universities Summit in Barcelona, Spain 
10.05.2022Welcoming to our University H.E. Mr. Hiroshi Ueda, The Ambassador of Japan to RomaniaA very interesting intervention on Romanian- Japanese economic relations and the Japanese educational system
10.05.2022Meeting with Mr. Chris Frean, Head of Economic Diplomacy at the British Embassy in BucharestWe have reiterated the openness for cooperation in order to initiate and develop new partnerships with British Universities as well as the reciprocal interest in providing internships to our students within British companies located in Romania.
10.05.2022Indiana University students visiting ASEMeeting with students from Indiana University
10.05.2022Meeting with the organisers of the 7th International Conference on Digital Economy (ICDEc)Meeting with the organisers of the 7th International Conference on Digital Economy (ICDEc), an event organised as part of the International Week
09.05.2022Meeting with delegation of academic staff from the Egyptian Academy – High Institute of Computers, Information and Management Technology TANTAMeeting with delegation of academic staff from the Egyptian Academy – High Institute of Computers, Information and Management Technology TANTA
09.05.2022The 7th edition of the International Week.Welcome session at the 7th edition of the International Week.
03.05.2022Meeting with delegation of academic staff from ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova – our strategic partner from the Republic of Moldova.The academic staff from ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova – our strategic partner from the Republic of Moldova will follow a one-month specialisation program in our University.
29.04.2022Meeting with the Vice-President for International Relations and Accreditations, Prof. Dr. Zoltan Oszkar Szanto from Corvinus University, the best educational institution in Hungary in the fields of economic, management and social sciences.In the framework of the 2022 EUA Annual Conference from Budapest, Hungary, our Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu was welcomed by the Vice-President for International Relations and Accreditations, Prof. Dr. Zoltan Oszkar Szanto from Corvinus University, the best educational institution in Hungary in the fields of economic, management and social sciences. During the meeting, issues of interest for mutual collaboration between the two universities were discussed, such as: preparing the Erasmus Agreement, support in entering into partnership with other European universities in order to create a new consortium of European universities and involvement of ASE in projects in Central Europe
28.04.20222022 EUA Annual Conference, in Budapest, Hungary. #EUA2022AnnualConfThe European University Association (EUA) represents more than 850 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organisations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard. The 2022 EUA Annual Conference is providing a platform to discuss which values shape the missions and strategic objectives of Europe’s universities and how these values help to guide their activities. Through plenary and breakout sessions of various formats, including audience participation, the conference provides insights into the measures universities can take to ensure that their values are understood and lived individually and collectively
08-09.04.2022Attendance at the Conference of the vice-presidents of Europe Association, in Limoges – FranceThe meeting was run with colleagues from France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Greece and Latvia.
06.04.2022Participation at the celebration of the 109 years since our University was founded.Happy Anniversary, Bucharest University of Economic Studies!
04.04.2022Meeting with Mr. Andrew Glass, Country Director at the British Council Romania and South East Europe.Discussing future opportunities of collaboration with the British Council.
30.03-31.03.2022Visit to Amsterdam with the purpose of making more steps towards enhancing our AACSB membership with an accreditation, one of the world’s most selective and rigorous types of evaluation for business schools.The AACSB was founded in 1919 by some of the most esteemed colleges and universities in the United States and it currently encompasses around 600 accredited schools in more than 30 countries. Because of its rigorous standards, less than 5% of the world’s business programmes have earned an AACSB accreditation.

21.03.2022Meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project entitled ”Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs” – Think4Jobs.Welcome speech and introduction to the participants at the first on site transnational project meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project entitled ”Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs” – Think4Jobs.

The project brings together a multidisciplinary team with several research centres involved with Critical Thinking (CT) education within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the Labour Market, across five European countries, namely Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania.

11.03.2022 Meeting with Mr. Babak MEHMANPAZIR, deputy general director in charge with the accreditations and strategy from Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
The main subject of this meeting is how the AACSB standards and processes for accreditation must be designed not only to validate quality business education and impactful research but also to provide leadership, encouragement, and support for change in our university.
AACSB accreditation ensures that business schools meet the highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, curriculum, and learner success
08.02.2022Attending the EGPA Steering Committee, as a member of this prestigious group.The European Group of Public Administration is the most important Association of Administration Schools in Europe.
04.02.2022Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées, FranceRegional Council of Midi-Pyrénées, France by Meeting with Nadia Pellefigue, Vice-President for international relations, education and research and Prof. Serge Regourd, President of the Commision for culture and education of the Council.
03.02.2022 Visit at the Université Toulouse-I-Capitole Meeting with Prof. Jean Michel Eymery Douzans (director of the Institute of Political Sciences of Toulouse), the management team of Université Toulouse-I-Capitole led by Prof. Hugues Kenfack, President of the University and Prof. Philippe Raimbault, President of Université fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

20.01.2022Meeting with the delegation of the Embassy of Italy to Bucharest: Ms. Alice Rubini, First Secretary and Head of the Economic and Trade Office and Mr. Vincenzo Tamarindo, First Secretary on Media, European, Social and Cultural AffairsDuring the discussions, various opportunities for cooperation between our University and Italian Universities were revised and steps forward in this line were established. Preparations for the visit to ASE of the Italian Minister of Economic Development have been discuss as well.
02.12.2021Interview given to the Egyptian State TV broadcaster, on the occasion of visiting the Egyptian PavilionInterview given to the Egyptian State TV broadcaster, on the occasion of visiting the Egyptian Pavilion
02.12.2021Expo Dubai 2020 – the World’s najor event having as central topic ‘Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’ through sustainability, mobility and opportunity.Welcomed in the Romanian Pavilion by H.E. Mr Adrian Macelaru, Ambassador of Romania to United Arab Emirates, Ms. Nicoleta Loredana Teodorovici, General Consul of Romania to Dubai and the General Commissioner of the Romanian Pavilion Mr. Ferdinand Nagy.

01.12.2021In the framework of the official visit to the United Arab Emirates, our University’s delegation was welcomed by the management team of the American University in the Emirates (AUE). The University boasts seven colleges – Media and Mass Communication, Business Administration, Law, Design, Computer Information Technology, Security and Global Studies, and Education – with programs that cater to current and future marketplace needs.Meeting with Prof. William Cornwell, PhD – Provost of the AUE, a diversity of topics were revised, from joint research to developing cooperation in the field of Studies of Security, from mutual support to accessing different international academic networks to facilitating participation of academic staff to the conferences organised by each University. The participants also discussed the experiences of the recent AACSB accreditation of the AUE. A Memorandum of Understanding will be signed in the near future, following the fruitful reunion.

29.11.2021Meeting with Prof.univ.dr. Eesa Mohammed Bastaki, President of the University of Dubai.Founded in 1997, the University of Dubai is one of the top accredited universities in the United Arab Emirates, its curricula being accredited by the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education, as well as by the best international accreditation bodies in the world: AACSB International, USA , for the College of Business Administration and ABET for the Computer and Information Systems program. During the meeting, issues of interest for mutual collaboration between the two universities were discussed, agreeing to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of study and teaching mobility, joint research programs, the development of double degree and joint-degree programs, development of specific cooperative programs in the field of doctoral studies.

08.11.2021AACSB Europe, Middle East and Africa Annual ConferenceAttending the AACSB Europe, Middle East and Africa Annual Conference, that takes place online between 08th and 10th of November, 2021
07.10.2021Meeting with QS to improve our reputaționMoveIn for Managing Academic and Employer Contacts
27.09.2021Welcome day!Welcoming our new Erasmus incoming students from all over Europe with the occasion of the begining of the new academic year. The Erasmus+ Office is organising an interesting orientation day for our brand new students

25.09.2021Happy 30 years Anniversary, ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova!Happy 30 years Anniversary, ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova!

22.09.2021The “World Scientific Francophonie Week”The 18 th quadrennial General Assembly of the AUF , under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, with the unveiling of its new strategy 2021-2025 and the election of the President and members of the Board of Directors
17-19.09.2021The fourth edition of the internationalization Think Thank ASE 2021Project “Consolidation of a resilient and sustainable internationalization process of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, with impact on the international education market” – CNFIS-FDI-2021-0392. The workshop was organized in Moeciu de Jos and brought together the main actors of internationalization at the level of faculties within the University, aiming to disseminate and multiply the results of the internationalization process, on all its strategic levels: internationalization at home, abroad and internationalisation of research. Extremely relevant aspects for the international dimension of the University were presented, analysed and discussed: the progress of internationalization, the University’s positioning in the international rankings, the AACSB international accreditation (where the first steps have already been taken by submitting the eligibility file) and the opportunities offered by the new Erasmus + programme.

08.09.2021The EGPA 2021 Conference, Brussels, Belgium 7-10 September 2021 Day 2: EGPA 2021 Conference – Resilience and Agility of Public Institutions in Times of Crisis  – Meeting with Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, President of the European Group for Public Administration.

07.09.2021EGPA Steering Committee meetingEGPA Steering Committee meeting
07.09.2021The EGPA 2021 Conference, Brussels, Belgium 7-10 September 2021Attending the EGPA 2021 Conference – Resilience and Agility of Public Institutions in Times of Crisis
01.09.2021Times Higher Education World Academic Summit & Festival of Data
This year’s Summit will explore the impact that this changing role of place has had on teaching, recruitment, collaboration, innovation and higher education’s own sense of purpose in the cities and communities where Universities are located.
The World Summit is virtually hosted by the University of Toronto.
19.07.2021Meeting with Prof. Tajiri Fumiaki and Prof. Cristian Vlad, from Globis University in Japan.Meeting with Prof. Tajiri Fumiaki and Prof. Cristian Vlad, from Globis University in Japan. Their professional visit is taking place in the framework of #ErasmusPlus Programme.
15.07.2021 Meeting with Professor Jimmy Huang, Professor Mihaela Kelemen Chair in Business and Society from Nottingham University Business School and Professor Mirela Bardi from Bucharest University of Economic Studies.A fruitful dialogue with Professor Jimmy Huang, Professor Mihaela Kelemen Chair in Business and Society from Nottingham University Business School and Professor Mirela Bardi from Bucharest University of Economic Studies, reviewing the opportunities of an academic cooperation between our universities
15.07.2021 Visit at the National Institute of Statistics where relevant discussions in the area of economic statistics and forecasts regarding economic development were held with INS representatives.Toghether with the ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova delegation led by the Rector Prof. Grigore Belostecinic visited the National Institute of Statistics, where relevant discussions in the area of economic statistics and forecasts regarding economic development were held with INS representatives.
12.07.2021Information Session on Good Governance and Institutional Resilience Information Session on Good Governance and Institutional Resilience, organised in the framework of the Erasmus+ Project Teaching Institutional Resilience and Prompt Reaction to Crisis: Good Governance Experiences in Europe (TERRAGOV), financed by RANNIS – Icelandic Research Agency
12.07.2021Meeting with delegation from ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, our Strategic Partner in the Republic of Moldova.Meeting with delegation from ASEM – Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, our Strategic Partner in the Republic of Moldova. Together with Prof. Belostecinic, Rector of ASEM and his colleagues, we are overviewing best practices in the field of International Business, Statistics and Cybernetics, Business Law as well as academic marketing performed by our University
08.07.2021Intensive workshop on AACSB Accreditation, in the framework of our University’s preparation for AACSB EligibilityIntensive workshop on AACSB Accreditation, in the framework of our University’s preparation for AACSB Eligibility with Professor Babak MEHMANPAZIR from EM Strasbourg Business School
01.07.2021U.S. Embassy’s Independence Day celebrationU.S. Embassy’s Independence Day celebration
01.07.2021EAPAA Accreditation of the “Master en Administration Publique” MPA programme, IDHEAP, University of LausanneEAPAA Accreditation of the “Master en Administration Publique” MPA programme, IDHEAP, University of Lausanne
30.06.2021Meeting with prof.dr. Peter Nijkamp de la Free University Amsterdam și Open University Herleen, ASE Doctor Honoris Causa and Ms. dr. Karima Kourtit, Open University Herleen, OlandaMeeting with prof.dr. Peter Nijkamp de la Free University Amsterdam și Open University Herleen, ASE Doctor Honoris Causa and Ms. dr. Karima Kourtit, Open University Herleen, Olanda
23.06.202131st General Assembly of UNICA Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe.31st General Assembly of UNICA Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe and 31st General Assembly of UNICA General Assembly Rectors Seminar – The impact of covid-19 on higher education in europe: Challenges and opportunities seminary
08.06.2021Meeting with Prof.Dr. Boris Cizelj, Chairman of the Board of Directors at KEN – Knowledge Economy Network, Mr. Ionel Stan, Deputy director of the European Center for Peace and Development and Mr. Valentin Preda, President of the Romanian Business Exchange.Meeting with Prof.Dr. Boris Cizelj, Chairman of the Board of Directors at KEN – Knowledge Economy Network, Mr. Ionel Stan, Deputy director of the European Center for Peace and Development and Mr. Valentin Preda, President of the Romanian Business Exchange, on developing a joint innovative post-graduate program in Economic Diplomacy.
04.06.2021Meeting with H.E. Mr. Marius-Gabriel Lazurca, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the United States of MexicoA fruitful dialogue with H.E. Mr. Marius-Gabriel Lazurca, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the United States of Mexico, reviewing the opportunities of academic cooperation with Universities in Mexico and Central America.
27.05.2021Romanian Universities’ Rankings Forum: Harness the power of your research for global visibilityRomanian Universities’ Rankings Forum: Harness the power of your research for global visibility” webinar, organised by #TimesHigherEducation and #Elsevier – as our University ranked first position in Romania in the THE World University Rankings (2020 and 2021), the organisers selected BucharestUniversity of Economic Studies as a best practice case to be presented to thewide audience.
24.05.2021The 2021 Bucharest Summit: Cooperation for Development.Attending the 2021 Bucharest Summit: Cooperation for Development with a intervention  focused on the modernization of public administration in the context of current challenges
19.05.2021Virtual meeting between the representatives of “Universitaria” Consortium and those of QS RankingsThe reunion was organised at the initiative of our University in order to contribute to an enhanced presence of Romanian universities in international rankings.
14.05.2021 Meeting with representatives of Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japan: Prof. Tatsumi Akita, Deputy President, Mr. Naoki Kumagai, Deputy General Manager, International Exchange Center and Me, Koon Murakami, Deputy Manager, International Exchange Center. Meeting with representatives of Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japan: Prof. Tatsumi Akita, Deputy President, Mr. Naoki Kumagai, Deputy General Manager, International Exchange Center and Me, Koon Murakami, Deputy Manager, International Exchange Center.
13.05.2021Workshop with Times Higher Education Rankings Agency (represented by Mr. Michael Caruana) about the recent rankings Emerging Economies 2021 and Impact Rankings 2021Useful insights revealed to our Academic community during the Workshop with Times Higher Education Rankings Agency (represented by Mr. Michael Caruana) about the recent rankings Emerging Economies 2021 and Impact Rankings 2021.
13.05.2021Virtual Debate – ”Strenghtening Academic Cooperation for Enhanced Executive Education in the Central and Eastern Europe”Meeting with Prof. Jana PELIOVA, Vice-Rector of University of

Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia and Prof. Radan Miryanov, Vice-Rector of Universityof Economics – Varna, Bulgaria
11.05.2021Meeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, PhD, Vice-Executive President of AACSB International and Chief Officer Europe, Middle East and Africa and Ms. Marine Condette, accreditation expert of AACSBDiscussing on AACSB Challenges, together with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, PhD, Vice-Executive President of AACSB International and Chief Officer Europe, Middle East and Africa and Ms. Marine Condette, accreditation expert of AACSB.
10.05.2021Meeting with our partner, Tashkent Institute of Finance from Uzbekistan, represented by Salokhiddin Avazkhodjaev, Head of International Cooperation DepartmentFruitful discussion about our future cooperation with our partner, Tashkent Institute of Finance from Uzbekistan, represented by Salokhiddin Avazkhodjaev, Head of International Cooperation Department
09.05.2021The Opening Session of the Sixth Edition of the International week in ASE The Opening Session of the Sixth Edition of the International week in ASE: Celebrating Europe Day, discussing about the future of EU
22.04.2021Meeting with Ms. Marine Condette Manager, Accreditation and Member Services EMEA at AACSB International, Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Mr. Vasile Strat,  Dean of The Bucharest Business SchoolMeeting with Ms. Marine Condette Manager, Accreditation and Member Services EMEA at AACSB International, Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Mr. Vasile Strat,  Dean of The Bucharest Business School , regarding our University’s forthcoming International Accreditation.
22.04.2021The 2021 EUA Annual ConferenceThe 2021 EUA Annual Conference “Universities 2030: From vision to reality”  – online on 22-23 April.
14 – 15.04.2021Working group meetings within the UNICAUNICA – Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe: UNICA & The City and UNICA Green & SDGs.
12.03.2021Meeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and AfricaMeeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, regarding our University’s forthcoming International Accreditation.
24.02.2021The UNICA Rectors Seminar “Interdisciplinary and intersectoral education & research in modern universities” – Part 2The UNICA Rectors Seminar “Interdisciplinary and intersectoral education & research in modern universities” promoted by the University of Ljubljana and the Eutopia University Alliance
23.02.2021Meeting with Google and ZitecDiscussing on the future digital transformation of our University.
22.02.2021Erasmus Welcome MeetingAs the second semester just started, we had the pleasure of welcoming the new incoming Erasmus students from several European partner universities : 56 students from 29 universities located in 11 European countries EU
15.02.2021Meeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and AfricaMeeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, regarding our University’s forthcoming International Accreditation.
10.02.2021The UNICA Rectors Seminar “Interdisciplinary and intersectoral education & research in modern universities” – Part 1The UNICA Rectors Seminar “Interdisciplinary and intersectoral education & research in modern universities” promoted by the University of Ljubljana and the Eutopia University Alliance
26.01.2021The launch of the project ”The impact of Digitalization on SMSs: Challenges for Public Governance and Economic Development”The project is implemented in partnership with Korea Development Institute (KDI) and Korean Productivity Centre (KPC) as a continuation of the activities carried out between 2018-2020 through the joint project Romania-Korea which aimed at establishing the Productivity Centre within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
11.12.2020Strategic Workshop delivered to our Academic staff by QS Consulting Team.Bucharest University of Economic Studies’ performance in QS Rankings

The Workshop is organised within the framework of CNFIS-FDI- 2020-0190 project.

11.12.2020Reuniune de lucru cu Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, si dra. Marine Condette, AACSB InternationalReuniune de lucru cu privire la procesul de acreditare internațională a ASE București. Întâlnirea are loc în cadrul celei de-a treia ediție a Internationalisation Think Tank
10.12.2020Strategic Workshop delivered to our Academic staff by QS Consulting TeamStrategic Workshop delivered to our Academic staff by QS Consulting Team
24.11.2020Meeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, regarding our University’s forthcoming International Accreditation.Meeting with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Executive Vice-President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, regarding our University’s forthcoming International Accreditation.
13.11.20204th Edition of the International Knowledge FairConference on Research Design held by Prof. Cristina Neesham from Newcastle University, UK.
12.11.2020THE University Rankings by Subject 2021 – Business & Economics and Social SciencesMichael Caruana (Strategic Solutions Director with Times Higher Education) presentation that overviewed and provided assessment of THE University Rankings by Subject 2021 – Business & Economics and Social Sciences, with the focus on our University’s performance.
22.10.2020Meeting with the representatives of University of Economics in Varna, Bulgaria: Prof. Vladimir Zhechev – Erasmus Plus Coordinator and Mr. Ilin Dimitrov, PhD – Director of the Career CenterMeeting with the representatives of University of Economics in Varna, Bulgaria: Prof. Vladimir Zhechev – Erasmus Plus Coordinator and Mr. Ilin Dimitrov, PhD – Director of the Career Center
28.09.2020Welcoming to our University the Erasmus incoming students from France, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Russian Federation and Spain, that will study for the first semester at Bucharest University of Economic StudiesWelcoming to our University the Erasmus incoming students from France, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Russian Federation and Spain, that will study for the first semester at Bucharest University of Economic Studies
22.09.2020Strategic online discussion with Michael Caruana -Strategic Solutions Director of Times Higher Education, London, UKStrategic online discussion with Michael Caruana -Strategic Solutions Director of Times Higher Education, London, UK
21.09.2020Meeting with our partners from Le CNAM Paris, talking about further development of our strategic cooperationMeeting with our partners from Le CNAM Paris, talking about further development of our strategic cooperation
02.09.2020International Conference „Times Higher Education World Academic Summit (online) – A new dawn for higher education?”International Conference „Times Higher Education World Academic Summit (online) – A new dawn for higher education?”
25.06.2020Intâlnire de lucru cu Neil Bellingham, Director British Council RomaniaIntâlnire de lucru cu Neil Bellingham, Director British Council Romania, ocazie cu care s-a discutat despre inițiativele în domeniul Transnational Education (TNE) și dezvoltarea parteneriatelor cu universități britanice în urma BREXIT-ului.
29.05.2020International WeekOnline discussion on International Cooperation in the Black Sea Area, being delighted to have as guest speaker Ms. Iulia Joja from the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Washington DC,USA.
28.05.2020International WeekOnline Discussion on the Current Challenges of Higher Education Internationalization Process

Guest Speakers:  Mr. Matthew A. Rosenstein, PH.D., Director of Global Education and Training, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and Mr. Zakaria Abouddahab, professor at Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco & Alumni of  International Institute of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

03.03.2020ASE a primit vizita Excelenței sale domnul KIM YONG HO, Ambasadorul Republicii Coreea în RomâniaAu avut loc discuții cu privire la cooperarea dintre ASE și Republica Coreea în cadrul „Knowledge Sharing Program”, instrument prin care Republica Coreea transferă experiența sa în domeniul dezvoltării cu statele partenere. Discuțiile au vizat, în principal, consolidarea și dezvoltarea Centrului de cercetare pentru studii în domeniul productivității.
19.02.2020Meeting with the international degree-seeking students at our universityMeeting with the international degree-seeking students at our university
19.02.2020Erasmus+ info-session: preparing the application filesErasmus+ info-session: preparing the application files
17.02.2020Welcome Day for our Erasmus+ incoming studentsWe are happy to welcome over 30 new students for the 2nd semester. They come from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, the Republic of Moldova, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Uzbekistan.
05-07.01.2020Săptămâna guvernanței organizată de Institutul Internațional de Științe Administrative (IIAS) în cadrul săptămânilor guvernamentaleParticipă la întâlnirea membrilor Steering Committee și la acțiunile organizate de Institutul Internațional de Științe Administrative (IIAS) în cadrul săptămânilor guvernamentale
20.01.2020Vizita doamnei Mariana Kotzeva, Director General al Eurostat, Comisia Europeană de StatisticăÎn cadrul întâlnirilor au fost dezbătute posibile teme de colaborare pe linia didactică și științifică dintre Eurostat și Departamentul de Statistică de la ASE.
10.12.2019Deschiderea Centrului de Studii Chinese în Academia de Studii Economice din BucurestiDeschiderea Centrului de Studii Chinese în Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti