Open call for partners to join our BIPs
New academic, communication and research competencies for the digital age
Physical mobility: 9th October 2023 – 13th October 2023
Virtual mobility: 4th October 2023 – 26th October 2023
We are looking for participants, and therefore please promote this BIP among your academia.
Register using the form: zu2hnC2B6qFcAgSdA
The programme is addressed to faculty staff (professors, researchers) from Universities from EU countries and third countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme.
- Exchanging experience related to new developments introduced in the participants’ academic contexts in response to emerging challenges;
- Building on the partners’ expertise for better capitalising on the affordances of digital resources and for enhancing the effectiveness of educational processes, research and communication;
- Multidisciplinary networking, setting the basis for future exchanges of research outcomes, with a view to promoting the transfer of research outcomes to practice in the participants’ academic contexts and beyond the BIP partnership;
- Exploring the possibility of engaging in joint research and publication ventures;
- Deepening and consolidating transnational cooperation within and beyond the BIP partnership, in line with the EU’s agenda for the European Year of Skills 2023.
The programme builds on the organising team’s expertise of coordinating and conducting an Academic Development master programme for academics and researchers (EDU-RES – in its 17th year already), as well as on the collaborative work on European projects with a focus on evolving trends in academic communication.
The programme will cover three thematic areas:
- academic communication with a focus on the latest developments – challenges and opportunities in the digital age;
- research related aspects (methodological approaches, communicating research outcomes to various audiences, peer-reviewing and responding to reviewers, networking as support system);
- challenges and opportunities related to teaching via the medium of another language.
In addition, there will be sessions on critical thinking and creative thinking applied to academic research and education.

Erasmus+ Office
Piața Romană no. 8, N.D. Xenopol Building, Ground floor (entrance from Dacia Blvd.)
Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 16:00 / Friday 09:00 – 13:00