Creșterea performanței internaționale a Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucureşti prin intermediul implementării unui proces de internaționalizare proactiv și sustenabil, cu impact la nivel societal
Perioada de implementare: 29 Mai 2022 – 16 Decembrie 2022
Activitatea A1
15.10.2022, Skopje, MACEDONIA
Study Abroad Scholarship Expo
„A unique event of national importance in Macedonia, where a variety of study programs and scolarships available to Macedonian citizens for studying abroad are presented at a single location.” –
Professor Cătălin Ploae.

28.10-03.11.2022, Ho Chi Minh City & Hanoi, VIETNAM
Vietnam Education Fair
Dean at the Faculty of Business and Tourism, Prof. Gabriela Țigu & Dean at the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange, Prof. Ionela Costică.

25.10-1.11.2022, Nairobi, KENYA
Working visits for promoting our university in highschools and universities.
Prof. Anca Gabriela Ilie, Faculty of International Economic Relations & Director for International Relations, Mrs. Carmen Mihaela Oglakci.

03.11.2022, ONLINE
Erasmus+ Open Days with:
- Georgian National University SEU, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- Universidad Central, Santiago, Chile;
- Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan;
- Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Rabat, Morocco;
- Incoming Students (from multiple universities).
Ms. Teodora Fulga, PhD, Head of Erasmus+ Office.
15.11.2022, ONLINE
Erasmus+ Open Days with:
- Istanbul Aydin University
Mrs. Carmen Oglakci, Director of International Relations

Activitatea A2
04.04.2022, ONLINE
Digital Erasmus+: IROs meet ITs, eveniment organizat de către rețeaua UNICA
Christine Demeter, Head of Erasmus+ Office;
Teodora Fulga & Camelia Vlăsceanu, Erasmus+ Officers.

04-06.05.2022, Bruxelles, BELGIUM
UNICA IRO Working group
Carmen Oglakci, Director of the International Relations Department;
Teodora Fulga, Erasmus+ Officer.

- 12.05.2022, ONLINE
UNICA EUniWell Webinar: “How European University Alliances address the question of well-being“
Oana-Matilda Sabie & Gabriela Nemțanu, Responsibles for The International Cooperation and Foreign Students Office.

- 09-11.06.2022, Roskilde, DENMARK
Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations.

- 29.06-01.07.2022, Dublin, IRELAND
Prof. Dan Gabriel Dumitrescu, Vice-Rector for Human Resources and European Funds Management.

- 06.09-09.09.2022, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
EGPA 2022 Conference “Public Administration for the Sustainable Future of our Societies”
The main themes addressed how the goal of sustainability is changing the transdisciplinary, cross-faculty framework for studying public policy issues with interacting cultural, ethical, political, social, legal, economic, technological, and natural science elements at all layers of governance (EU, national, regional and local levels) and across policy sectors, as well as engaging with civil society and interested stakeholders in these new policy processes oriented towards the SDGs. It raises the practical issue of developing much better inter-institutional, cross-sectors and multi-level policy coordination. The approaches in terms of ‘whole-of-government’ and ‘whole-of-society’ collaborations are crucial to consider in that matter. If we really want to achieve the SDGs within a reasonable timeframe, a much richer and result-oriented cooperation between all State and non-State actors, at all layers of governance (global, regional, national, sub-national), in all spheres (politics, science and technology, economy, etc.), and across various sectors (energy, transportation, climate action, environmental protection, education, food, etc.) will be essential. In that regard, ‘markets’ and ‘networks’ cannot succeed in bringing our societies, and our planet, towards its future without the major ‘hierarchical’ contribution of the governments and public administration of our Neo-Weberian States.
Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations.

Activitatea A3
- 28-29.04.2022, Budapest, HUNGARY
EUA (European Universities Association) Annual Conference: “University values: what, why and how?”
Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu, Vice-Rector for International Relations.

- 31 May – 3 June 2022, Denver, COLORADO
NAFSA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo (Association of International Educators)
Director Relații Internaționale Carmen Oglakci.

- 13-16.09.2022, Barcelona, SPAIN
32nd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition –
The EAIE conference is the first major in-person gathering of Europe’s international higher education sector since the start of the pandemic. With more than 6000 participants from across the world convening in Barcelona, many of whom have continued to collaborate virtually over the last two years, this year’s event is set to be a particularly significant one for the sector. International higher education professionals from Europe and further afield are taking the 2022 EAIE Conference as an opportunity to share their experiences and insights gleaned from the personal and professional disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflict in Ukraine. At the same time, the programme is distinctly forward-looking: this year’s theme of ‘The future in full colour’ will stimulate discussion around how to move forward as a sector and how to implement the evolving role of international education in rising to the challenges of an increasingly globalized world.
Prof. Alina Dima, Vice-Rector for Research, Development and Innovation;
Prof. Ion Popa, Dean at the Faculty of Management;
Prof. Bogdan Iftimie, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics;
Prof. Liana Badea, Director of Economic Doctrines and Communication Department;
Mrs. Lelia Iordan, Head of International Cooperation and Foreign Students Office;
Ms. Maria Todircan, Erasmus+ Officer.

- 9-12 December 2022, Brașov, Romania
5th edition of the Internationalisation Think Tank
Tackled subjects:
- Internationalisation report of ASE for 2022;
- Information on the missions made abroad & learned lessons;
- Erasmus Without Papers;
- The digitisation of the international travels procedure;
- Remarks regarding World Times Higher Education, Impact Ranking THE and THE by subject (live presentation by special guest Anna Orlova, Expert at Times Higher Education, London);
- Sharing experience in AACSB standards
– standard 3, 5 & 8 (online presentation by special guest Prof. Catherine Robinson, PhD, Deputy Dean, Kent Business School, University of Kent); - Follow up – documentation visits at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands & the University of Zagreb, Croatia;
- AACSB accreditation workshop.
Activitatea A4
Activitatea A5
- 10-12.10.2022, New York, USA
Times Higher Education World Academic Summit
On the occasion of this strategically important event for international visibility, the world ranking of universities developed by Times Higher Education for the year 2023 was launched.
Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu.

- 19-20.10.2022, Košice, SLOVAKIA
11th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
The 11th EUSDR Annual Forum is jointly organised by the Ukrainian EUSDR Presidency, the former Slovak EUSDR Presidency, the European Commission and the Danube Strategy Point. The main topic of this year’s Forum is “Sustainable and Secure Danube Region” under the generous motto “Recovery. Development. Unity”.
Director for International Relations, Mrs. Carmen Oglakci.

Prin activităţile prevăzute şi selectarea beneficiarilor direcţi, estimăm că proiectul va avea un impact indirect de amploare, prin efectul de multiplicare şi diseminare, în special la nivelul facultăţilor, departamentelor didactice şi al celoradministrative, de suport.
Menționăm că evenimentele enumerate detaliat în cadrul diferitelor activități sunt cele anunțate până la momentul redactării proiectului, iar participarea se va realiza sub rezerva disponibilității locurilor.
Semnalăm disponibilitatea de a participa și la alte evenimente similare, pe măsură ce acestea sunt anunțate și răspund obiectivelor stabilite în proiect, menținând încadrarea în bugetul specificat.
Director de proiect,
Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Marius Profiroiu,
Prorector pentru Relații Internaționale