Admission methodology 

 Admission Methodolgy for EU, EEA, Swiss Confederation Citizens and UK

The admission process of EU candidates takes the following steps:

Registration occurs only once, at the faculty representing the 1st option of the applicant. The applicant will receive a registration document, printed from the online registration database, containing the personal data, the list of options expressed and other information relevant to the admission process and matriculation. After checking the data, the applicant will confirm, the document by checking the online form. One copy is handed over to the applicant, the second one will remain in his/ her application file.

  1. Upon registration, the applicant will express options (and rank of the options) for study programs and type of financing (budgeted or fee places).
  2. After the end of the registration period no changes are admitted to the registration data as regards options, their order and other information.
  3. During the admission process, the Central Commission will publish daily statistics regarding registrations for each faculty and study program.

The admission results are published as follows:

  • applicants admitted on budgeted places
  • applicants admitted on fee places
  • waiting lists and
  • rejected candidates

The waiting list contains the names of the applicants who qualify for at least one of their options, but have a average score inferior to the last admitted applicant. They may obtain an eligible place after the end of the confirmation period.

  • The applicants admitted on a budgeted place will register the original baccalaureate diploma. This rule also applies for applicants admitted on a fee place or those on a waiting list if they registered options for budgeted places
  • The applicants who want to be distributed on a fee place will pay half of the annual tuition fee. This includes the applicants admitted on a fee place, the applicants admitted on a budgeted place or those who are on a waiting list and have options to follow a study program on a fee place. The tuition fee is paid preferably via the admissions platform
  • The applicants who will register the original baccalaureate diploma and pay half of the annual tuition fee will be considered for both forms of financing (budgeted and fee places), according to their initial options
  • The applicants who neither register the original baccalaureate diploma nor pay half of the annual tuition fee will be rejected
  • At the end of the confirmation period, the final admission ranking is published:
    • applicants admitted on a budgeted place
    • applicants admitted on fee places
    • rejected applicants

One applicant may be declared admitted to a different ranking option from his/her initial option.

The applicants who were initially placed on a waiting list and paid half of the annual tuition fee but are not admitted, may recover the whole amount paid or ask for it to be transferred for their admission to a different type of program (distance learning or part-time – provided they have also registered for these types of programs).

The applicants admitted on a budgeted place who have also paid half of the annual tuition fee will receive the whole amount back, upon written request (

The admitted applicants are enrolled to the 1st year of studies during the academic year 2025-2026 by a Rector’s decision. Within the first 3 weeks of the academic year, Bucharest University of Economic Studies signs with every enrolled student an educational contract and the students should present the following documents:

  • the original baccalaureate diploma and the transcript or equivalent
  • a certified copy of the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent and a proof that the original document is registered with another university
  • 2 photos

The documents shall be uploaded on the online admission platform. All graduates of international schools shall send their studies documents (baccalaureate/ high school graduation diploma, transcript of records all the high school years, CNRED recognition certificate at the International Relations Department, ( in order to receive the equivalent grades according to the Romanian system. Those will be transmitted to the applicants by email and uploaded by themselves on the registration platform.

  • The application file contains a motivation essay explaining the choice of university studies with ASE, dated and signed by the applicant. The essay will be assessed and granted a “Pass” or “Fail” grade. Only the applicants who obtain a “pass” for the motivation essay qualify for attending the language test.

  • In view of the admission to a study program taught in Romanian, foreign citizens have to provide a language certificate delivered by institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education or will pass the online Romanian language test organized by the university.

  • In view of the admission to a study program taught in other languages (English, French, German) candidates will sit the language test organized by the university – only one language test choice is possible. The test will take place online, on the platform, by accessing the TEST link. The language test contains multiple choice questions, with one correct answer and the assessment is a “Pass”/”Fail” qualification. In order to pass a test, an applicant has to accumulate a minimum of 50 point out of 100 (maximum). A lower score will result into a qualification of “Fail” and the applicant will not be able to study in a program taught in the respective language.

  • The admission of the applicants is based strictly on the admission average score – descending ranking of the applicants, correlated with the options expressed at the registration. The admission average score is calculated as follows: 70% the baccalaureate grade and 30% the average grade of the high school years. If there is more than one applicant with the same admission average score as the last one admitted on a budgeted or fee place, additional criteria will be used: the high school years average grade and the grade for the written Romanian/native language exam from the baccalaureate.

  • The applicants who are students or graduates of higher education studies may enrol for a second Bachelor’s program, either on a budgeted place or a fee place, under the following conditions:

    • if the first bachelor’s program was financed from the state budget, the second will incur a tuition fee
    • if the first program was financed by tuition fees, the second may be on a budgeted place or a fee place
  • The applicants who are students or graduates of higher education and received support from the state budget for a certain part of their studies have to state it upon registration.

  • An admitted applicant may benefit of budget support only for one program, for the normal duration of the studies.

  • The redistribution of the budgeted places is done after the 1st semester of the 1st year of studies and, afterwards, at the end of each year of studies, based upon the academic results of the students, as stipulated in the ASE Regulation regarding the Bachelor’s studies.

  • During the 1st year of studies, a student can register in only one full-time program in ASE. A second program in ASE can be followed in parallel only in a part-time or distance learning program (in case the applicant has registered for the respective program).