Erasmus+ events dedicated to all students

Erasmus+ info session – 12 FEB 2024, 12:30


On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, the Erasmus+ Office organized the “Round Table with Live Testimonials” event to which ASE students, former and current Erasmus+ RO beneficiaries, were invited and they gathered both physically and on Zoom, to tell us about their experience and to share advice to students interested in applying. Their stories were completed with personal experiences from studenthood by Prof. Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations. 
We thank everyone for their participation and wish them the best of luck in their future experiences! 
⭐️ Guest speakers:
Adela Nițescu (REI)
George Tudose (REI)
Ruxandra Ioniță (REI)
Daniela Harabagiu (REI)
Philip Mateiu (REI)
Cosmina Stroinea (REI)
Flaviu-Iulian Condrea (AMP)
Ana-Maria Niță (CIG)
Ariadna-Andreea Grama (FABIZ)
Mara-Teodora Gebescu (FABIZ)
Marc-Eduard Ionescu (FABIZ)
Diana Gabriela Păcuraru (MK)
Cristiana-Teodora Ușurelu (MK)

MASĂ ROTUNDĂ cu testimoniale live & scurtă prezentare a oportunităților Erasmus+

Evenimentul se va ține Marți, pe data de 5 decembrie 2023, interval 17:00 – 19:00 la sala Meeting Room din Piața Romană 8 (Clădirea Nicolae D. Xenopol) – intrarea se face de pe Blvd. Dacia. 

Rezervare locuri în sală:

Participare prin zoom: – Meeting ID: 841 6220 4069, Passcode: 174469


Poze din experiențele studenților (click aici pentru vizualizare)