Erasmus+ for short mobilities

(grants for studies / placements between 5-30 days)

Type 1: Short study mobility

A short study mobility is similar to a modular subject but done abroad, awarded with a number of ECTS credits, and there are 2 subtypes:

  1. The simple short study mobility:
    • the destination can be a partner university of ASE from EU countries only (see application step 1);
    • it is composed by a short-term physical stay abroad and a compulsory virtual / online learning activity (before or after the physical mobility);
    • it can last from 5 up to 30 days;
    • it is awarded with a minimum number of 3 ECTS credits (physical and virtual component combined) in order to equivalate and replace them with a certain subject from ASE’s curriculum;
    • this mobility can also be in groups.
  2. The Blended Intensive Programme (BIP):
    • the destination must be a specialized event which is usually organised by a group of institutions or their representatives from EU countries only (see application step 1);
    • it is composed by a short-term physical stay abroad and a compulsory virtual / online learning activity (before, during or after the physical mobility);
    • it can last from 5 up to 30 days;
    • it is awarded with a minimum number of 3 ECTS credits (physical and virtual component combined) in order to equivalate and replace them with a certain subject from ASE’s curriculum;
    • this mobility can also be done in groups.

Type 2: Short placement mobility

A short placement mobility represents a traineeship / internship / volunteering project done abroad.

You can join a traineeship / internship / volunteering project anywhere in the world, if you get accepted to one. The mobility can last anything between 5 – 30 days.

The mobility must include a physical stay in the host country and a virtual/online learning activity (before or after the physical mobility) – the virtual activity is mandatory for Bachelor and Master students (the virtual activity is not mandatory for PhD students).

The host can be any public institution / private organization / university / school / company / enterprise / NGO etc except EU institutions (see application step 1).

This mobility can also be done in groups.

Application requirements & general info (for both types)

All ASE students are eligible:

  • Bachelor, Master, PhD;
  • regardless of the percent of passed exams or average grades;
  • students in their last year are eligible too;
  • IFR students are eligible too;
  • only ID students are not eligible.

For each mobility, the total sum (mobility grant + extra grants) will be awarded 80% just a few days before you leave and 20% after you come back.

Mobility grant:

  • Anything between 5 to 14 days of mobility – 79 EUR/day;
  • From 15 to 30 days of mobility – 79 EUR/day in the first 14 days and 56 EUR/day for the rest of the days.

Extra grants, depending on your case:

* Students with fewer social opportunities are those who also benefit from a social scholarship in ASE. The student will receive an extra grant only if they prove their status by simply providing a statement issued by the faculty’s secretariate, along with the rest of the application file.

We highly suggest you read the following regulation:

Also, if you are curious to learn more about the Erasmus+ programme, check the links below:

5 steps to follow:

  • If you want to apply for Type 1 – short study mobilities / BIPs:
    • Country: EU or third EU countries only – Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City.
    • Host institution: a university which is a partner of ASE. These institutions may vary from semester to semester (click here to check the partnerships map);
    • How to find a short study mobility? You can search the internet for keywords like <Blended Intensive Programme available this year> or <Short term study mobility at [name of partner institution]>; or you can browse this website: (click here to be redirected).


  • If you want to apply for Type 2 – short placement / internship mobilities:


Please complete the documents on the computer, not by handwriting. To sign them, you can draw / upload a photo of your signature.

Mandatory documents for both types:

  1. Registration form (click here);
  2. Letter of acceptance / invitation from the host organization containing:
    • details about the host organization/ programme, your name and the main duties you will have there;
    • the exact period (phyisical mobility & the days of virtual activities);
    • signature & official stamp of the organization.
  3. Learning Agreement (LA) signed by the hosts and by a faculty coordinator (see list of signing coordinators here):
  4. Copy of ID card (or, for foreign students: copy after passport and Romanian residence permit);
  5. CV with a picture, in english or in the language of the mobility;
  6. Letter of motivation, in english or in the language of the mobility;
  7. GDPR form;
  8. Details about the bank account (click here to download);
  9. Private insurance for the duration of the mobility which shall include at least a medical insurance and a civil liability or accident insurance / European Health Card issued for free by CNAS (the card is not valid for non-EU destinations);
  10. & for type 1 only! (not required for type 2) – linguistic knowledge proof: either a statement from your faculty’s secretariate if you are already studying at ASE in the specific foreign language in which the mobility is conducted or a language certificate (see accepted certificates here).

Extra documents (for extra grants / specific cases):

The departure can be done anytime during the year (except examination session periods), but for the application please send the documents from step 2 with at least 5 – 6 weeks before the day of the departure via email at Late applications may not be accepted.

  • First, verifying your file:

You will receive an answer via email regarding any corrections that need to be made to your documents. We have a 3-5 office days response time to emails.

  • Then, signing the contract:

If your application was marked eligible then, before your departure, you will be invited to the Erasmus+ Office to sign the Financial Contract which states your grant, your period of stay and your obligations (if you cannot personally come, then it can also be signed by a person legally appointed as power of attorney; the person could just be a trusted family member, friend or acquaintance; digital signatures are not accepted).

  • PREPARE YOUR DEPARTURE (please read carefully):
    • After you sign the contract, remember that the financial support will be granted 80% a few days before you leave and 20% after you come back. Depending on the time of your application, the grant may be received with a delay.
    • You can make travel preparations in advance, (book tickets/ accomodation etc), but only after your mobility was confirmed as eligible by the Erasmus+ Office. The arrival to the mobility must be done one/more days before the start date, while the departure can be done any day after the end date. If you depart later or come back earlier than planned, you risk having to return the whole grant or a partial sum. Please check with the Erasmus+ office for any modifications.
    • Remember to preserve your travel tickets (flight boarding pass / gas station bills / bus or train ticket) because they are mandatory to proove your physical mobility to the host country. You will bring them at the end of your mobility (together with the documents from the next step).

At the end of your mobility you have the contractual obligation to physically bring to the Erasmus+ office the following:

For Type 1 – short study mobility:

  • Certificate of Attendance (click to download)  – for this document the signature must be in original along with a stamp from the host university; scanned versions or photo-printed signatures & stamps are NOT accepted; digital signatures are accepted only if they are made with an official digital certificate (not the pdf signature tool);
  • Transcript of Records – it is a standard document containing the grade & the ECTS credits obtained (this document can also be sent later by the host university representatives).

For Type 2 – short placement mobility:

  • After the mobility certificate (click to download)for this document the signature must be in original along with a stamp from the host organization; scanned versions or photo-printed signatures & stamps are NOT accepted; digital signatures are accepted only if they are made with an official digital certificate (not the pdf signature tool).

AND mandatory for both types:

  • travel tickets that comply with your mobility period (both departure and arrival travel tickets or, if you travel by car, keep the gas station bills or accommodation bill) – we recommend arriving to your destination at least one day before and leaving anytime the day after your planned mobility dates.
  • the satisfaction questionnaire, it will be received via email at the end, not from us, but from the EU platform notification system – complete and submit it there;
  • only for the ones who had mobilities that lasted for more than 15 days: OLS test – you have the obligation to do the online language assessment once at the beginning and once at the end of your mobility. Find your OLS test by making an account on the EU Academy platform and searching for “English Placement Test”, then send the obtained certificate to us via email: 

Failing to provide the proof of your mobility may result in having to return the whole grant (by hand notice or in the court of justice).


  • Erasmus+ Office


  • +40 213 19 19 00 & then press 567

  • Piața Romană no. 8, N.D. Xenopol Building, Ground floor (entrance from Dacia Blvd.)

  • Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 16:00 / Friday 10:00 – 12:00