Erasmus+ for placements
(grants for traineeships, internships or volunteering abroad for 60+ days)
Application requirements & general info
With this programme, ASE students who have found a paid / unpaid opportunity as a trainee / intern / volunteer at any host organization from abroad will also receive a financial grant to support their mobility expenses. The financial grant is not a scholarship and it comes with certain obligations before, during and after your mobility! Please read all the questions and answers below.
It addresses to all ASE students, regardless of grades or number of passed exams (except low-frequence students from ID-IFR).
- If you are in your final year, you can still apply and go after graduation. The condition is that at the time of application you must be still enrolled as a student, preferably a few weeks before graduation. Applications who are being sent after you already graduated cannot be taken into account.
- If you have a group of friends from ASE, you can all apply for a placement in the same organization or even the same city, because the selection for this type of mobilities is based on the principle first came, first served in the limit of the available budget.
- Duration:
- a minimum of 2 months (60 days);*
- up to a maximum of 12 months (360 days), acummulated.**
*The minimum number of days reffer to the duration specified in your Learning Agreement (see Application file). You can stay in the host country for more, but never for fewer days than 60. Additonal proof of your mobility’s duration will be requested (check the Mobility obligations section).
**The maximum days are reset at the start of each separate study cycle (Bachelor x 360, Master x 360, Doctorate x 360). This total means all placements plus study exchanges that you benefited from during your current cycle of studies.
- Timeframe:
- Any summer vacation – all students can go during any summer holiday, but they can go only after they finish the exam session and come back until the next academic year starts.
- The summer before your 2nd year of Bachelor or Master – if you want to equivalate it with the specialized practice.
- Second semester – only the 2nd year master’s students in the semester in which the specialized practice is part of the curriculum are allowed.
- After graduation – for this period, the main condition is to apply only while you are still a student, meaning that the application is submitted and fully accepted before the graduation takes place, otherwise you are not eligible after you are no longer a student. The placement can be planned to take place anytime in the first 12 months after graduating.
- Anytime – only PhD. students can carry out a mobility anytime, in an organization that will benefit their research and thesis writing. The host organization can be a higher education institution or any other eligible organization.
The arrival to the mobility must be done one/more days before the start date and the departure can be done any day after the end date. If you arrive later or depart earlier than planned, you risk having to return the whole grant or a partial sum. Please check with the Erasmus+ office for any modifications.
The amount depends on the living costs of the host country.
- 824 Euro/month for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Andorra, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Great Britain, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City;
- 756 Euro/month for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary;
- 700 Euro/month + a transportation supplement according to a distance bandwidth (click here to see transportation grants & click here to calculate the distance) for any country from regions 1-12 that you can check here:
What about extra financial support?
- If you will receive a salary from the host organization, the Erasmus+ grant can still be awarded. The salary does not cancel the Erasmus+ support grant.
- You can receive additional top-up sums if you are a student with reduced opportunities / social scholarship (+250 Euro/month) or if you are travelling green (depending on destination/distance). Please consult the how to apply section.
- if NO – If you don’t want to, then it’s not mandatory to equivalate it with anything. You can do this placement for your own personal reasons, outside the field of your studies, without equivalence.
- if YES – If you want to equivalate it, then follow these conditions:
- you have to apply during 1st year Bachelor’s / 1st year Master’s and go in the summer before the 2nd year.
- you must pre-discuss and have the approval of the practice faculty coordinator;
- the mobility must be carried out in the field of the studies (example: for Faculty of Law students, the host organization must be a court, notary office, professional law firm or other organization of the legal professions).
5 steps to follow:
- Which countries and organizations?
Any country in the world & any organization (public or private) – for example: company, multinational corporation, NGO, embassy, school, university etc, with the exception of the European Union’s institutions.
- Where to start searching?
Note: ASE does not have Erasmus+ partnerships with organizations, therefore it is a part of your duty to find an organization and be accepted for a traineeship / internship / job / volunteering project. Only after you find and are accepted to such a placement, you will also be able to apply for an Erasmus+ grant of support for your mobility.
Please complete the documents on the computer, not by handwriting. To sign them, you can draw / upload a photo of your signature.
- Application form (click here to download);
- Letter of acceptance from the host organization containing:
- details about the host organization, your name and the main tasks you will have there;
- the exact period (ATTENTION: you can go for min. 60 days – max. 360 days, but only during specific times during the year – see the allowed periods in the General info & criteria section above);
- signature & official seal of the organization.
- Learning agreement (click here to download):
- signed by the host organization and by your Erasmus+ responsible coordinator of your faculty (click here to see the list);
- containing the same period as in the letter of acceptance.
- CV (with picture), in english or in the language of the mobility;
- Motivation letter for applying for Erasmus+, in english or in the language of the mobility;
- Copy after ID card (or for foreign students: copy after passport and Romanian residence permit);
- Details about the bank account (click here to download) (account in EURO only);
- Private medical insurance for the duration of the mobility / European Health Card issued for free by CNAS (the card is not valid for non-EU destinations);
- Annex 5 with GDPR (click here to download);
Extra documents for specific cases:
- For social scholarship beneficiaries: a statement from the faculty if the student is already a beneficiary of a social scholarship in ASE. This qualifies you for an additional monthly top-up (the main monthly grant + extra 250 euro/ month). Good news: the ASE social scholarship & Erasmus social top-up do not cancel eachother, you will receive both;
- For green travellers: a participant statement in case of intending to use Green Travel (click here to download). Travelling green towards your destination means by bus, train, boat, car-sharing etc – not by plane.
- For students who depart to destination countries that are in regions 1-12 (usually all non-EU countries, except some third countries like Turkey or Scandinavian countries, check the regions 1-12 here: you will need a Bilateral Agreement with the host institution (template only on request via email – do not randomly request it if you did not check whether your destination is/isn’t in the non-EU regions 1-12 from the link above).
Send the documents from step 2 via email at with 5-6 weeks before you plan to start the mobility (or a few weeks before graduation for those in the final year).
- First, verifying your file:
You will receive an answer via email regarding any corrections that need to be made to your documents. We have a 3-5 office days response time to emails.
- Then, signing the contract:
If your application was marked eligible then, before your departure, you will be invited to the Erasmus+ Office to sign the Financial Contract which states your grant, your period of stay and your obligations (if you cannot personally come, then it can also be signed by a person legally appointed as power of attorney; the person could just be a trusted family member, friend or acquaintance; digital signatures are not accepted).
- PREPARE YOUR DEPARTURE (please read carefully):
- After you sign the contract, remember that the financial support will be granted 80% a few days before you leave and 20% after you come back. Depending on the time of your application, the grant may be received with a delay.
- You can make travel preparations in advance, (book tickets/ accomodation etc), but only after your mobility was confirmed as eligible by the Erasmus+ Office. The arrival to the mobility must be done one/more days before the start date and the departure can be done any day after the end date. If you depart later or come back earlier than planned, you risk having to return the whole grant or a partial sum. Please check with the Erasmus+ office for any modifications.
- Remember to preserve your travel tickets (flight boarding pass / gas station bills / bus or train ticket) because they are mandatory to proove your physical mobility to the host country. You will bring them at the end of your mobility (together with the documents from the next step).
At the end of your mobility you have the contractual obligation to physically bring to the Erasmus+ office the following:
- After the mobility document (find it on the last pages of the Learning Agreement template) – for this document the signature must be in original along with a stamp from the host organization; scanned versions or photo-printed signatures are NOT accepted; digital signatures are accepted only if they are made with an official digital certificate (not the pdf signature tool).
- proof of travel that complies with your mobility period (both departure and arrival tickets or, if you travel by car, keep the gas station bills or accommodation bill).
You also have the obligation to digitally complete the following:
- Satisfaction questionnaire, received via email at the end of the mobility, not from us, but from the EU platform notification system – complete and submit it there;
- OLS test – you have the obligation to do the online language assessment once at the beginning and once at the end of your mobility. Find your OLS test by making an account on the EU Academy platform and searching for “English Placement Test”, then send the obtained certificate to us via email:
Failing to provide the proof of your mobility may result in having to return the whole grant (by hand notice or in the court of justice).
Erasmus+ Office
+40 213 19 19 00 & then press 567
Piața Romană no. 8, N.D. Xenopol Building, Ground floor (entrance from Dacia Blvd.)
Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 16:00 / Friday 10:00 – 12:00