Erasmus+ for studies

(grants for studying abroad for a semester or an academic year)

All selection updates will be shown in the notifications panel (avizier) button above.

Application requirements

Notice: Each year, there are two online selections for study mobilities. Both are done in the academic year before the mobility actually takes place (check the calendar in the Announcements / Avizier section).

  • First selection (February-March): you can apply for all types of mobilities (first semester, second semester or the whole year), according to the destinations offer published here right before the selection starts;
  • Second selection (June-July): you can only apply for a mobility in the second semester, according to the updated offer with the remaining places after the first selection.
  • Bachelor, Master, PhD* students from all faculties are eligible, but also each domain or cycle is limited to certain options from the destinations offer;
  • students in their last year** are eligible too – check the application procedure documents;
  • ID-IFR (Distance learning, Part-time learning) students are not eligible.

*Notice for PhD students: we suggest you apply for Erasmus+ for placements as it provides more flexibility in regards to your doctoral research (click here to be redirected to placement opportunities).

**Notice for students in the last year: you can apply now and go in the mobility during the first year of your next cycle of studies (examples: 3rd year of Bachelor can apply for 1st year of Master / 2nd year of Master can apply for the 1st year of PhD). If the student is planned to go in an mobility for the 1st year of their next cycle, this does not automatically mean that they are accepted to continue their studies in ASE. The student must separately pass the admission for their next cycle of studies. If the student does not succeed in being admitted to the next cycle in ASE, then the planned mobility will simply be cancelled, meaning that there are no further obligations.

Notice: You can still apply even if your exam grades are not all published. We will collect your grades from each faculty after the end of the exam session.

The average grade of minimum 7.00 is not the simple arithmetic average, but the weighted average which takes the ECTS average number into account as well. The minimum number of ECTS credits required for Bachelor and Master is 70% and for PhD students is 100%. The number is calculated for all previous years exams, including the exams from the last winter session of the ongoing year.

  • Bachelor students:
    • First year: min. 21 ECTS;
    • Second year: min. 63 ECTS;
    • Third year: min. 105 ECTS;
    • Additional third year: min. 126 ECTS.
  • Master students:
    • First year: min. 21 ECTS;
    • Second year: min. 63 ECTS;
    • Additional II year: min. 84 ECTS.
  • PhD students: 100% ECTS required.

Application procedure

Application file:

Notice: There are 5 linguistic spaces (english, french, german, italian and spanish) in the destinations offer and each space has its own separate destinations to choose from – you can apply for a maximum of 7 different destinations in strictly just 1 of the 5 linguistic spaces.

  • Curriculum Vitae, with picture, in the language of the space that you are applying for;
  • Letter of intent, in the language of the same space, stating the reason for applying for an Erasmus+ for studies mobility and why you have chosen your options as a destination for your studies (around one page);
  • Consent for data protection – Annex 5 – GDPR (click here to download);


  • Only for students who are currently in the final year of Bachelor/Master: Declaration of engagement (click here).

Notice: the documents below are not mandatory. Upload them only if you consider they will be favorable (for example, older language certificates may not be favorable if you think you improved your language level since then).

  • Certificate of language – if you already own a linguistic certificate for the space that you are applying for, then you can upload it on the platform (click here to see the accepted language certificates);
  • Recommendation letter – from a professor, a former teacher, a professional tutor from your workplace etc – it can be written in Romanian;
  • Other diplomas, certificates or documents that are considered relevant, to be mentioned during the interview.

Notice: It will be inactive for submissions in the timeline outside the selection periods mentioned in the calendar. Login with the same credentials as your ASE student email. 

Application steps

  1. Ready?
    • Check the destinations offer in the notifications panel and research possible destinations, according to your personal standpoint*;
    • Prepare your documents neatly.
  2. Apply:
    • Submit your application in the online platform according to the calendar in the notifications panel.
  3. Steady:
    • Pass the online interview**.
  4. Go!
    • Check the results. If you were not selected, you will be asked to resend other remaining options for redistribution;
    • Consult the post-selection guide (see sections below).

*Please be aware that the grant may or may not cover all of your expenses, depending on which destination you have chosen. For more details on financial aspects, please consult the pages where we state how the grant is calculated in the Post selection mini guide (see below, at Guidance & support).

**For the online interview you must have the following items: your national ID or student card, a computer with a working camera and microphone.

Guidance & support


Please also check the POST SELECTION COMPLETE GUIDE for specific cases (available in in RO / EN – click here).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of a study mobility?
    • International student experience – Learn what it means to be a student in another European country. You will find that there are similar things to your ASE experience, but also many differences that will surprise you. The experience will give you a new perspective on your studies and will offer you the opportunity to experience other styles of teaching and learning.
    • More independence – The experience of studying and living in another country will be a challenge: you have to deal with new and unfamiliar situations, to manage your time and budget, to learn to adapt to a new culture. Moreover, you have more freedom in choosing the courses you want to study.
    • Powerful knowledge – Student life in a foreign country will give you an entirely different perspective than the one you acquire as a tourist. You will discover and understand what daily life means in the host country and you will learn to communicate with people from different cultures.
    • Personal and professional achievements – Such experiences are not always easy, but once you overcome the initial difficulties, you will discover that in addition to studies, you can travel, have fun, meet many interesting people and to grow as a person. Besides, it will make a great addition to your future professional profile.
  • How many times can I benefit from Erasmus+ ?

You can have an accumulated number of 12 months (360 days) of different Erasmus+ types of mobilities for each separate study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD).

  • Will my studies be recognized? 

Please note that the subjects you have to study there must comply to the subjects your coordinators have approved in your Learning Agreement or in your During the mobility agreement. In these agreements, your subjects have to cumulate a minimum of 30 ECTS/semester or 60 ECTS/year. If you study any other subject that is not on these agreements, it will not be taken into consideration. In light of these facts, note that: 

    • If you passed your mobility exams, your credits and grades will be fully recognized and equivalated (check the equivalence grid in the Regulation & templates section);
    • If you failed some exams, you can choose with your faculty coordinator which exams with similar credits to take in the reexamination session from the courses that were being taught at ASE.
  • Can I take the graduation exam at the host university?

Not unless you go to a double degree program. If there is no such double degree agreement, then the graduation exams take place exclusively at ASE (in this case, make sure you can come back from your mobility before the graduation examination).

  • Can I choose any university of destination?

Yes, almost any university from the destinations offer. Erasmus+ study mobilities are based on bilateral cooperation agreements between institutions from the European Union or associated countries which hold the Erasmus+ Chart. Be aware that some domains are not applicable for all faculties.

  • Can I improve my language skills before leaving?

Erasmus+ has a module for improving your language skills before and during your mobility, called Online Linguistic Support – OLS. You will receive information about how to login on it via email, after the selection.

  • I do not fit any criteria for Erasmus+ for studies selection, are there any other options for me?

Yes, you can find an internship/volunteering project and then apply to be financed with an Erasmus+ grant of support for your mobility. For this type of mobility, the application procedure is different. More details at the Erasmus+ for Placements section from the menu.

  • What obligations do I have after being selected?

Please consult the Post Selection Guides above this FAQ section.

  • Where can I submit a testimonial?

If you came back from your mobility and you would like to share your experience to future generations of ASE students, send us a few pictures and a short story via email.

  • Erasmus+ Office


  • call +40 213 19 19 00 & then press 444

  • Piața Romană no. 8, N.D. Xenopol Building, Ground floor (entrance from Dacia Blvd.)

  • Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 16:00 / Friday 10:00 – 12:00