Dear students,
The Erasmus+ info session from 21st of October 2024 will be postponed for 12th of November 2024 (during the International Knowledge Fair week). The hour and other info will be announced here at the beginning of November.
See you there!
The international week in ASE
8-10 May 2024
Join us for the 9th Edition of the International Week!
Events and details here:

Announcement / Anunț
In the framework of the EUI Widening programme, aimed at equalising research capacity across Europe, the EUI will offer scholarships for early-stage researchers from Romania, applying for one of the following programmes for the academic year 2024-2025:
- EUI Master of Research Programme in Economics(Department of Economics). Eligible Widening countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine. Complete information on the EUI MRes Scholarships for Widening Countries is available at this link.
- EUI LLM Programme in Comparative, European and International Laws(Department of Law). Eligible Widening countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine.Complete information on the EUI LLM Scholarships for Widening Countries is available at this link.
The objective is to help those countries in the process of enlargement to train excellent academics, conduct excellent research and produce high-quality policy advice.
Eligible applicants (holding the nationality of one of the countries listed above) must submit their application and all required documents through the relevant interactive online application form and the deadline for completing the application form and for the submission of all required documents is 31 January 2024. Applications may be submitted until 14:00 (CET) on that day.
MASĂ ROTUNDĂ cu testimoniale live & scurtă prezentare a oportunităților Erasmus+
Evenimentul se va ține Marți, pe data de 5 decembrie 2023, interval 16:30 / 17:00 – 19:00 (exact hours will be announced soon) la sala Meeting Room din Piața Romană 8 (Clădirea Nicolae D. Xenopol) – intrarea se face de pe Blvd. Dacia. Pentru mai multe detalii – email la
Rezervare locuri în sală:
Participare prin zoom: – Meeting ID: 841 6220 4069, Passcode: 174469

Prezentare online cu oportunitățile Erasmus+ (9.11.2023)

I#IKF2023 is organised with the support of the CNFIS-FDI-2023-0352 project entitled ” Asigurarea suportului necesar pentru consolidarea performanței Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucureşti pe piața educațională globală, în acord cu obiectivele instituționale strategice de internaționalizare (ASEPERFORMINT)”
Institutul Francez din România și Agenția Universitară a Francofoniei, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării și Academia Română organizează A doua ediție a Simpozionului de cercetare științifică francofonă în Europa Centrală și de Est în perioada 27-28 noiembrie 2023.

Franța lansează un apel anual la candidaturi pentru programul de burse ale Guvernului francez. Din 1990, aceasta reprezintă cea mai importantă campanie de burse a unei țări străine în România, Guvernul francez acordând peste 4 000 de burse studenților români pentru ca aceștia să se specializeze în Franța.
În acest an, bursele Guvernului francez evoluează și iau numele de France Excellence. Serviciul de Cooperare și Acțiune Culturală al Ambasadei Franței în România gestionează trei tipuri de burse France Excellence: burse de masterat, burse de cotutelă pentru doctoranzi și burse postdoctorale pentru cercetători.
Apelul de candidaturi este deschis până la data de 3 martie 2023 și este publicat online, pe site-ul Institutului Francez din România: CLICK PENTRU LINK AICI. Pe link puteți găsi Ghidul practic, precum și Nota explicativă.

- 13 octombrie 2022, 11:00 – 12:00, online pe pagina de facebook a proiectului – BLOCKS & FOReSIGHT – webinar – “Digital competencies for the future – a conversation”;
- 14 octombrie, 11:00 – 14:00 – offline în sala Robert Schuman – Întâlnire în cadrul vizitei studenților de la Universitatea din Zagreb.

Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii – Ministerul Educației vă transmite oferta de burse pentru studii în Regatul Maroc.
Limba de predare este franceza (pentru majoritatea domeniilor) și araba (pentru limba și literatura arabă și pentru studii islamice).

Romanian Model World Bank Group Press Release
It is with great pleasure that the Romanian Model World Bank Group’s organizational team informs you that the second edition of the event previously mentioned took place, hosted and supported by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies between 4 and 6 March, 2022. The goal of RMWBG is that of educating high school students about economics and finance. The committees of this edition being: Cryptocurrencies and NFTs, MIGA, Actuarial and Stock Market.
The conference started with a visit at the Bucharest Stock Exchange, where the students learnt about the history of the Bucharest Stock Exchange as well as how this varied, depending on global economic events. Afterwards, participants met in Bucharest’s University of Economic Studies amphitheater for the opening ceremony, where they listened to speeches held by specialists in this field. Miss Elena Manolescu, university lecturer, and Mister Adrian Mitroi, behavioural economics professor. The opportunity and support offered by Bucharest’s University of Economic Studies brought us one step closer to our tradition and undoubtedly managed to inspire the young people present through its historically rich location. The second day began with Mister Adrian Tănase, the CEO of Bucharest’s Stock Exchange speech, which offered participants information regarding investments and answered their questions. Thereupon, students separated in their committees, where they engaged in debates on topics such as market volatility and the risks of investments in a stable market. Furthermore,
they gathered key pieces of information from prestigious guests such as Mister Ciprian Păltineanu, Inspet SA’s CEO and Mister Bogdan Tudosie, BRD’s sales executive. The day ended with a workshop on Crypto Coins and the Stock Exchange, held by Andrei Nicolae, CEO of Youni.
On the last day of the event, participants had the joy of listening to an official of the World Bank, Mister Constantino Navarro, who talked about the impact and importance of the institution, together with Mister Ionuț Costea, former Eximbank President and former Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. After the last committee sessions, participants enjoyed a simulation of the Stock Exchange and experimented with Stock investments. The day ended with banking expert- Mister Laurentiu Stefu’s speech, followed by the closing ceremony and official closing.
For further information in regards to the conference please access our website or our Instagram page @romanianmodelwbg.
Sunt finanțate cursuri de limbă, cursuri de limbaj de specialitate și civilizație germană, programe de masterat și stagii de cercetare. DAAD finanțează programe desfășurate în limba germană și/sau în limba engleză.
Un tabel sinoptic al celor mai importante programe de burse DAAD poate fi consultat aici: Descarcă: Oferta de burse DAAD – Tabel sinoptic (PDF, 326,39 KB).
Oferta completă a programelor de burse DAAD România este accesibilă aici:
Ca și anul trecut, oferim mai multe sesiuni de informare online pe Zoom în limbile română, germană și engleză.
Link afiș pe Facebook:
Link afiș pe instagram:
The fourth edition of the internationalization Think Thank ASE 2021
On September 17-19, 2021, the fourth edition of the Internationalization Think Tank ASE 2021 workshop took place, organized within the project “Consolidation of a resilient and sustainable internationalization process of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, with impact on the international education market” – CNFIS-FDI-2021-0392. The workshop was organized in Moeciu de Jos and brought together the main actors of internationalization at the level of faculties within the University, aiming to disseminate and multiply the results of the internationalization process, on all its strategic levels: internationalization at home, abroad and internationalisation of research. Extremely relevant aspects for the international dimension of the University were presented, analysed and discussed: the progress of internationalization, the University’s positioning in the international rankings, the AACSB international accreditation (where the first steps have already been taken by submitting the eligibility file) and the opportunities offered by the new Erasmus + programme.

U.S. Departments of State and Education Issue Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education
Open Science Survey results, European Strategy for Universities and Micro-credentials
IAUP Triennial Virtual Conference
Key Priorities for Higher Education in a Post Pandemic World
Mexico City 2021
IAUP Triennial Virtual Conference
Key Priorities for Higher Education in a Post Pandemic World
Mexico City 2021
Applications to the Transparency International School on Integrity are now open!
Transparency School is the world leading summer course on anti-corruption. Since 2010, it has welcomed more than 1300 future leaders from more than 120 countries worldwide.
There is a limited number of full tuition fee waivers for participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Moldova, Myanmar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Ukraine, Taiwan and Venezuela.
We would like to kindly ask you to disseminate this information to your colleagues and those potentially interested in attending the event on 2-7 August 2021.
Please find more information below in this email and at
The 2022-2023 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the annual Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award competition for Romanian professors, researchers and professionals who have a doctoral degree or equivalent (certified). Grants are available for conducting research and/or lecturing in the U.S. universities.
The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program provides international travel, accident/sickness insurance and a monthly stipend covering accommodation and living expenses.
Eligible Fields: any field, except clinical medicine and other clinical disciplines.
Grant duration: minimum 3 – maximum 6 months
Bewerbungsschluss: 31. Juli 2021
- rumänische Staatsbürgerschaft (doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft möglich)
- abgeschlossenes Universitätsstudium (B.A., B.S., M.A., Diplom-, Magister-, Staatsprüfung oder Promotion) in einem beliebigen Studienfach; ein Fachhochschulabschluss genügt nicht, der Nachweis des Studienabschlusses kann in begründeten Fällen bis zum 31. Dezember 2021 nachgereicht werden
- sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache (mindestens Stufe B 2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen)
- ausgeprägtes Interesse an politischen und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen sowie an deutscher Geschichte
- gesellschaftspolitisches Engagement
- Altersgrenze: Zum Zeitpunkt des Programmbeginns darf das 30. Lebensjahr noch nicht vollendet sein. Bewerben können sich Interessent/innen, deren Geburtstag nach dem 1. März 1992 liegt.
Die vollständige Bewerbung muss folgende Unterlagen enthalten:
(Als Hilfestellung steht Ihnen die Checkliste für Ihre Bewerbung zur Verfügung.)
- Bewerbungsbogen in Deutsch ausgefüllt und handschriftlich unterschrieben (S. 5, 6, 8, 9)
- ausführliche Bewerbungsbegründung in deutscher Sprache und handschriftlich unterschrieben (nicht mehr als zwei Seiten)
- Studienabschlusszeugnis (Original oder amtlich beglaubigte Kopie in deutscher oder englischer Sprache, eingescannt). Der Nachweis des Studienabschlusses kann in begründeten Fällen bis zum 31. Dezember 2021 nachgereicht werden. Das Original oder die amtlich beglaubigte Kopie in deutscher oder englischer Sprache des Studienabschlusszeugnisses muss zum Auswahlgespräch vorgelegt werden,
- Sehr gute deutsche Sprachkenntnisse (mindestens der Stufe B 2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen) können nachgewiesen werden:– durch ein offizielles Sprachzeugnis, nicht älter als zwei Jahre (beispielsweise TestDaF, ZOP, DSH oder durch den IPS-Sprachnachweis) – der Nachweis gilt ebenso als erbracht, wenn aus dem Lebenslauf die erforderlichen sehr guten deutschen Sprachkenntnisse eindeutig ersichtlich sind (beispielsweise Abitur in Deutschland, Germanistikstudium, Anstellung als Deutschlehrer),
- zwei Empfehlungsschreiben in deutscher oder englischer Sprache (nicht älter als ein Jahr), davon eines von einem Hochschullehrer oder vom Arbeitgeber, in dem die fachliche Qualifikation des Bewerbers für das IPS beurteilt wird auf offiziellem Briefpapier der ausstellenden Institution,
- ein Bewerbungsfoto als Bilddatei (JPEG oder anderes übliches Bildformat)
- Kopie des Reisepasses oder Kopie der ID-Card
Bitte senden Sie die vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per E-Mail in einem PDF-Dokument, dessen Dateiname aus Ihrem Familiennamen und Vornamen besteht (beispielsweise Muster-Max.pdf), an die unten angegebene E-Mail-Adresse.
Falls das PDF-Dokument die Größe von 15 MB übersteigt, teilen Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen auf mehrere E-Mails auf, deren Anlage jeweils höchstens eine maximale Größe von 15 MB besitzt.
Wenn Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen durch ein Komprimierungsprogramm größenreduziert übersenden möchten, verwenden Sie bitte ausschließlich ein Programm, das eine Archivdatei mit der Dateiendung „.zip“ erzeugt (beispielsweise
Achtung: Bewerbungsunterlagen in Papierform werden nicht berücksichtigt!
Nachfragen richten Sie bitte an:
Auswahl der Teilnehmer/innen
Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer werden in einem zweistufigen Verfahren ausgewählt. Die Vorauswahl erfolgt durch die deutsche Botschaft in Bukarest. Die qualifiziertesten Bewerber werden zu einem persönlichen Auswahlgespräch im Herbst/Winter 2021 eingeladen. Eine Auswahlkommission des Deutschen Bundestages trifft die Endauswahl auf Grundlage der sprachlichen, fachlichen, sozialen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen der Bewerber.
Kosten der Anfahrt zum Auswahlgespräch
Sofern das Auswahlgespräch nicht in dem Heimatland der Bewerberin/des Bewerbers stattfindet, können die Reisekosten vom Heimatland in das Land, in dem das Auswahlgespräch stattfindet, anteilig und die Visakosten in voller Höhe übernommen werden.
Tuesday, May the 14th – International Week in ASE, 2021 – 6th Edition
- Meeting with representatives of Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japan: Prof. Tatsumi Akita, Deputy President, Mr. Naoki Kumagai, Deputy General Manager, International Exchange Center and Me, Koon Murakami, Deputy Manager, International Exchange Center.
Thursday, May the 13 – International Week in ASE, 2021 – 6th Edition
- Workshop with Times Higher Education Rankings Agency (represented by Mr. Michael Caruana) about the recent rankings Emerging Economies 2021 and Impact Rankings 2021.
- Virtual Debate – ”Strenghtening Academic Cooperation for Enhanced Executive Education in the Central and Eastern Europe”. Guests: Prof. Jana PELIOVA, Vice-Rector of University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia, Prof. Radan Miryanov, Vice-Rector of University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria
- Debate on the Future of the Erasmus Plus Programme
- Romanian movie afternoon with our Erasmus incoming students
- Virtual reunion with the occasion of establishing the cooperation framework between Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Fundacion Educacion por Ia Experiencia, United States of Mexico

Wednesday, May the 12 – International Week in ASE, 2021 – 6th Edition
- Ambassadors meet ASE – a very interesting, extremely useful and interactive presentation about Romania – Korea Relations delivered by Mr. CHUSOK YOON – Deputy Chief of Mission from the Embassy of South Korea in Bucharest.
- Debate on “Réussir ses études universitaires en Roumanie en tant qu`étudiant international au temps de la pandémie de COVID – 19. Défis, opportunités et expériences en partage“
- Workshop ”Precision Agriculture -Achievements and Challenges in the Republic of Serbia”, organised by the Faculty of Agri-Food and Environmental Economics. The guest speakers were Mr. Jonel Subić, the General director and Mr. Marko Jeločnik- deputy director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade (IAE), Serbia.

Tuesday, May the 11th – International Week in ASE, 2021 – 6th Edition
- Erasmus+: Building Bridges – Portugal – mobility opportunities in Portugal
- Workshop on Internationalisation of Research – Challenges of Academic Cooperation in the Field of Governance – Online Event organized by the Terragov Erasmus+ Project with participation for experts of the Terragov Project Team from University of Iceland, ASE Bucharest, FEB Zagreb-Croatia, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain and Vilnius University of Lithuania.
- Reunion discussing on AACSB Challenges, together with Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, PhD, Vice-Executive President of AACSB International and Chief Officer Europe, Middle East and Africa and Ms. Marine Condette, accreditation expert of AACSB.
- Ambassadors meet ASE, International Week in ASE – Students from the Master of Diplomacy in International Economy had the opportunity to meet ambassadors from Pakistan and Thailand
- The second day of the International week in ASE started with a very interesting and challenging presentation on “Racial Governance in Peru” held by Prof. Luis Escobedo, Postdoc Research Fellow, University of the Free State (UFS), South Africa. The event was facilitated by the Faculty of Administration and Public Management.
- Ambassadors meet ASE, International Week in ASE – we had the great pleasure to welcome H.E. Mr. Amhar Azeth, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to Romania, within the framework of the event organised by the Faculty of International Business and Economics. The topic of His Excellency’s presentation related to the Indonesian perspective of the economic international diplomacy.
- Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems in partnership with Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, USA, organised a Workshop on ”Business, educational and cultural differences between Romania and the US”. The event is already traditional, being in its third edition during the International Week. The event is based on the partnership between our faculty and the Kelley School of Business, during which study visits for students take place. This year the meeting took place online and focused on teacher presentations and group discussions between American and Romanian students.
The 6th Edition of the International Week in ASE is about to start.
More than 30 activities (webinars, workshops, reunions) involving more than 40 guests from Universities in Europe and beyond will be held between 9th and 14th of May, both virtually as well as in-Campus.
Follow our Social Media and stay tuned for all events
EUA Newsletter 4/2021: EUA Annual Conference, The latest Public Funding Observatory, Next Generation EU and opportunities for universities
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is ranked 401-600 in the most recent Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2021, which assesses universities’ performance all over the world against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Small Grants for Alumni Projects
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences organized by the Bucharest University of Economics Studies and dedicated to “Resilience and Economics Intelligence through Digitalization and Big Data Analytics” between 10-11th of June 2021 (online).